Bf (Bonifiche Ferraresi), announces a new capital increase
Industrial plan launched: shareholders will have to invest 300 million

Bf Spa, the controlling holding company of Bonifiche Ferraresi, recently presented the new 2023-2027 business plan, with the aim - in summary - of strengthening the presence of the national agro-industrial chain with M&A transactions, expand abroad with the birth of BF International, and create a new BF Spa Higher Education school in the Group's HQ in Jolanda di Savoia (Ferrara).
The Board of Directors has approved to submit to the Shareholders' Meeting a capital increase dedicated to the current shareholders equal to 300 million euro.
In addition, the Company intends to enhance the Group's assets by around 200 million euros, mainly through the completion of the sale of 49% of Bonifiche Ferraresi SpA Società Agricola launched in 2021, as well as through further transactions involving the minorities of the companies that control the sectors in which the Group operates, to be implemented over the course of the Plan.
EFA News - European Food Agency