Vortice with acquisition of Casals contributes to animal welfare
The two companies have developed a series of blades and axial fans for stables

It recently won the "Lider" award as the best company in the territory of Ripolles, in the province of Girona, Spain. We are talking about Casals Ventilacion, an Iberian company that has specialized in industrial ventilation for more than 100 years. The award was given to it for "industrial organization, image and enhancement of human resources".
A nice recognition for this historical company that has joined the galaxy of the Italian Vortice since 2019, which took over 100% of the capital of Ventilacion Industrial (Sant Joan de les Abadesses, Girona, Catalonia, Spain) specializing in products in the industrial suction sector. Founded in 1881, the company now employs 110 people: in 1924 it began its activity in the development, production and marketing of products for Industrial suction. On the strength of an established distribution network in Spain, today exports account for 60 percent of its turnover.
"At a time when many multinationals are coming to Italy to buy valuable pieces of our production system, we have gone against the trend by acquiring 100% of the Spanish Ventilacion Industrial, which owns the historic Casals brand -explains Andrea Sacha Togni, president of the Vortice group-. It is a path that we have been on for several years now: first with the acquisition in 2010 of the Loran company, located near Verona and specializing in industrial air handling units. Then we crossed the Atlantic and from the Vortice Latam headquarters in Costa Rica, we coordinate many countries in the Central and South American markets. In 2013 we opened the Vortice Ventilation System manufacturing plant in Changzhou, China, with main focus for the Chinese domestic market".
"All this -added the president-, thanks to the contribution of Bco Swiss Family Office, which for years has been strategically supporting the Vortice group in pursuing the outlined Expansion Plan. Thanks to this further important step, the group brings the number of its employees to over 400 people, with a consolidated turnover that is to exceed 100 million euros".
It is not difficult, given the latest news, to set the target of 100 million. Indeed, Vortice and Casals products contribute to energy savings and animal welfare on farms. After the acquisition of Casals, the Italian group developed a series of products that, in addition to animal welfare, contribute to energy savings.
We are talking about Nordik Super Blade (High Volume Low Speed) ceiling blades: 5 large blades that can move large air masses while rotating at low speed. In addition to cooling in summer, in the cold season they destratify warm air by distributing heat evenly and help reduce stagnation and humidity. As a result, the air in the stables is drier, resulting in reduced consumption of straw and sawdust and a related decrease in cleaning emanmaintenance work.
These products comply with the Industry 4.0 Plan and also allow for tax benefits of up to 50% of the total investment. The motors ensure high flow rates(up to 850,000 m3/h) and low consumption. The blades are available in 5 different diameters from 3 to 7 meters. Lacentralina Vort T, which can be combined, is a speed controller that can control, depending on temperatures or wind speed, up to 20 units automatically.
Again to ensure a healthy environment for animals and improve their productivity, Casals, has developed the HJB series, axial fans that offer a large flow rate but push air at low speed so as not to be annoying or harmful to animals. They are available in 3 different sizes (110, 120 and 140 cm) with a maximum air flow rate of up to 44,000 m3/h.
EFA News - European Food Agency