Marr among the protagonists of the Italian Sustainability Week
For some time the company has started a process of strengthening ESG strategies

With a view to a growing commitment in the ESG field, Marr participates in the Italian Sustainability Week, an event promoted by the Italian Stock Exchange, scheduled from 4 to 8 September and entirely dedicated to sustainable finance, with debates and moments of discussion between companies and investors . This is "an important opportunity to discuss with institutional investors on activities and commitments relating to sustainability issues”, we read in a post on Marr's social media. “In fact, the company has long started a process of strengthening ESG strategies in the areas relevant to its activities, including in particular responsible sourcing".
When he talks about "responsible sourcing", Marr means the selection, evaluation and qualification of its suppliers according to methods and criteria defined in specific Quality System procedures, in compliance with the provisions of the ISO 9001 standard and are directly involved in the quality and sustainability. Suppliers of food and non-food products who are required to comply with the provisions of the Marr Code of Ethics and the principles contained therein, by signing a specific Declaration of commitments in the ESG field and of adherence to the principles of Social Responsibility according to the Sa 8000 standard.
A commitment, that of Marr, which extends to the supply of branded products which must comply with specific requirements regarding quality and safety, the origin of the raw materials as well as the characteristics of the primary and secondary packaging with a view to greater sustainability. These requirements are guaranteed by the stipulation of supply specifications and specific control plans.
Marr, therefore, "intends to progressively strengthen its commitment through an increasingly ethical and responsible approach in purchasing policies and undertakes, by the end of 2025, to ensure that all branded products comply with further specific requirements: eggs and egg products from hens not raised in cages; palm oil absent or RSPO certified (Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil); cocoa, cocoa butter, cocoa mass and coffee certified Fairtrade, Rainforest Alliance or equivalent certifications", concludes the post.
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