Casalasco participates in Anuga 2023
The main Italian tomato supply chain in Cologne for the largest food & beverage fair

Casalasco SpA will participate in the 18th edition of the Anuga Fair in Cologne, Germany, with its integrated supply chain model, unique in the world in the tomato sector, and its broad product portfolio.
The stand - located in Pavilion 11.2, Stand D038 - will feature the iconic Pomì and De Rica brands as well as the products of SAC, a subsidiary of Casalasco SpA; in a dedicated corner, the products of the private label and co-manufacturing activities of both Casalasco and Emiliana Conserve, a company acquired by the Group in July 2022, will also be displayed, for a total of over 2,000 references, testifying to the Group's production capacity, which in Italy boasts cultural leadership even before market leadership.
The great attention that the Casalasco Group reserves to its business model, oriented towards a sustainable approach both in the cultivation methods, in the treatment and transformation of the product and in the daily life of each worker part of the supply chain, fully fits with the theme of Anuga 2023 In fact, this year the fair will focus on "sustainable growth", now aware that even the food sector can no longer ignore the need for a change of direction aimed at respecting the environment and people.
The fair, which takes place every two years and which last year welcomed almost 70,000 visitors from 169 countries, represents an important opportunity to meet international buyers and various stakeholders interested in the company, from which synergies and new development solutions can arise.
EFA News - European Food Agency