Lulu group exports the made in Italy from the new hub of Malpensa
The UAE giant has activated the Malpensa World Trade Center for exports to the Middle East, India and Indonesia

Italian food and drinks will have an extra channel to reach the tables of customers in the Middle East, India and Indonesia. The new channel is called Malpensa World Trade Center in via del Gregge, in Lonate Pozzolo (Varese) where the new headquarters of Lulu Group International was inaugurated, Uae-based multinational company operating a hypermarket chain and retail company, headquartered in Abu Dhabi, Uae .
The center was opened two years ago, but the business has finally entered live with the opening that was held yesterday, September 19, and the first package to India has left these days. The company was founded in 2000 by Yusuff Ali of Nattika in Kerala, India, who attended the ribbon-cutting ceremony with the Italian authorities and the Bahrain ambassador.
Lulu Group, international holding company that from the Persian Gulf manages more than 50 thousand employees and generates a turnover advanced to the 7 billion dollars: it has chosen Malpensa for its own European center of supplying. From the warehouses of the World Trade Center of Lonate Pozzolo, the food products made in Italy will take the lead not only of the Gulf countries, but also of India. The Lulu brand is present in all Gulf countries with 238 stores: it has 175 only in the United Arab Emirates and is also expanding in Southeast Asia and India. The products made in Italy that the multinational distributes in its stores range from large brands such as Melinda, Amica Chips and Bauli to the products of smaller companies such as Annabella, Filotea pasta and La Mole.
Through the Y International brand, it has also opened a purchasing center in Malpensa that employs about twenty employees, with which it exports its products to all the countries in which it is present. In Italy the country manager is Alessandro Simone who defined the objectives that the group sets itself in our country, through the development of the newly inaugurated center at the WTC in Malpensa.
In the new logistics center of Malpensa they not only take care of the storage and the export of the goods, but also of the translation of the labels and above all of the obtaining of the necessary certifications in order to approach the markets of the Gulf. The group's intention is to transform the Varese hub into a reference point for all food products from the Schengen area.
"Italian food products are a worldwide excellence and are increasingly appreciated in the countries in which we are present - underlines Yussuff Ali -. For this I thank the Chamber of Commerce, the government agencies, the Lombardy Region and the embassies of Bahrain and Qatar for having favored this important investment in which we believe a lot.
Satisfaction was also expressed by the regional councilor for Economic Development Guido Guidesi . "I am sure -he said- that this initiative will bring mutual benefits to Lulu Group and our entrepreneurs, eager to expand their sales network".
The event was also attended by Andrea Pompermaier , Legation Director and Head of Office III-Foreign Investment and Export Digitization of the Directorate General for the Promotion of the Country System (DGSP) of the Farnesina, Roberto Rizzardo , Head of FDI department of Invitalia, Valerio Soldani , FDI Director of ICE.
EFA News - European Food Agency