Spain. Drought: herds compensated by the end of October
332.3 million euros from the government, including the inconvenience caused by the war in Ukraine

In Spain, the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food has published the definitive list of the 70,267 farm owners who will receive extraordinary aid to compensate for the situation due to the drought and the conditions resulting from the war conflict in Ukraine, for an amount of 332.3 million euros. The aid will be deposited into the farmers' bank accounts by October.
This figure represents 94% of the total budget allocated for this support line, equal to 355 million euros. The subsidy was approved by the Government through Royal Decree Law 4/2023, of 11 May, which adopts urgent measures in agricultural and water matters in response to the drought and worsening conditions of the primary sector resulting from the war conflict in Ukraine and the weather conditions,
This extraordinary aid is granted ex officio to its beneficiaries, producers of beef (suckler cows), sheep and goats, as well as cow, sheep and goat's milk, who have benefited from livestock-related aid on the basis of the single aid application of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) for the 2022 campaign; and who were owners of companies registered on 30 April 2023. The aid is granted when the amount to be received is equal to or greater than 200 euros.
In the resolution of July, on the basis of the provisional data of the eligible farms and the number of animals admitted to benefit from the aid, and to avoid exceeding the maximum amount estimated by species and production orientation, a linear adjustment of the per capita unit amounts for the areas with high drought indicated in the Royal Decree-Law, so that the following quotas are established: - Beef cow: 143.48 euros; - Sheep and goat meat: 15.89 euros; - Dairy cow: 52.12 euros; - Dairy sheep and goats: 8.66 euros.
Farms that have the majority of their animals potentially eligible for subsidies in the 2022 campaign in autonomous communities identified as areas with medium drought impact, will receive 50% of the amounts foreseen for each species and production orientation, while those moderately affected they will receive 25%.
For cow's milk producers, a maximum of 725 eligible animals per beneficiary is established. Suckler cow producers will receive 100% of the unit amount for the first 250 cows and 50% for the remainder of the census. Sheep and goat producers will receive 100% of their respective amounts for the first 2000 animals and 50% for the remaining eligible livestock.
EFA News - European Food Agency