Lidl contested by animal rights activists at the CSR show
They are protesting the breeding conditions of the chickens sold by the discount store

At the CSR Show in Milan, on Friday 6 October, a protest against Lidl took place, as part of an international campaign against the discount group, which began a year ago: 20 European NGOs for the protection of animals ask the chain to supermarkets higher standards for chickens raised by their suppliers.
essereanimali, which has been working in Italy since 2011 for the protection of animals bred for food, carried out a disruptive action during the meeting "Responsible consumption, a shared commitment" during the 11th edition of the CSR and of social innovation in Milan, in which, among others, the Communications and CSR Manager of Lidl Italia, Alessia Bonifazi , took part.
The activists peacefully interrupted Bonifazi's speech to ask that Lidl Italia - like Carrefour, Cortilia and Eataly - also sign up to the European Chicken Commitment, a series of requirements to improve the conditions of broiler chickens in intensive farming.
"The investigations carried out in six European countries on farms of suppliers of the leading brand leave no doubt about the terrible living conditions of chickens sold in Lidl supermarkets. Our peaceful protest action yesterday aims to signal that the commitment to responsible consumption , the theme at the center of yesterday's event, cannot be limited to just words, but must be translated into concrete actions, starting from the signing of the ECC that we have been asking Lidl for over a year", said Brenda Ferretti , Head of Campaigns ofessere Animals.
EFA News - European Food Agency