Work break: cappuccino brings together four European countries
In the Bel Paese, espresso confirms itself as sovereign (78%), while the Germans favor filter coffee (44%)

All the results of a Gfk research for Eva conducted in Italy, Germany, France and Spain.
From a Gfk research for Eva conducted in Italy, France, Spain and Germany, the main differences in behavior between the four countries emerge: the espresso confirms itself as the king of breaks for Italian workers in the office (78%) but it is the cappuccino that puts all four countries agree. Sweet snacks loved by Italians, French and Spanish, while Germans prefer savory ones
The favorite hot drink of Italians, as we know, is coffee, so it is not surprising if 84% of workers say they drink it at work. This very local habit is actually also common to other countries: in Spain 83% of workers drink coffee at work, in Germany and France 76%. This is what emerges from research by Eva (European Vending & Coffee Service Association) which investigated the food & beverage consumption habits of a sample of over 4,000 workers from Italy, Germany, France and Spain; in Italy, the research was carried out in collaboration with Confida, the Italian Automatic Distribution Association.
In the Bel Paese, espresso confirms itself as the king of office breaks (78%) while Germans mainly consume filter coffee (44%). The Spanish cannot do without the famous "cortado" (coffee and milk, 60%) and the French with American coffee (51%). But it is the cappuccino that brings everyone together: it is now the international coffee drink par excellence. The latter is the only product in the top 3 of all countries: in Germany (40%) and France (36%) it is in fact the favorite of workers along the home-work journey; but also 26% of Spaniards and 27% of Italians choose it to face the upcoming working day.
Coffee, in any form and variation, remains the favorite drink of practically all workers and the vending machine confirms itself as a "meeting place" for a coffee break with colleagues for 37% of Italians. Spaniards and French choose capsule machines (34%) and pod machines (48%) respectively. In Germany, however, there is a tendency to prefer machines for drip coffee or filter coffee (62%). The time and place of consumption are also different: 85% of Germans drink coffee in the office by 11.30 am while in the same time slot 81% of Spaniards consume it during the commute from home to work. There are two preferential time slots for Italians and French: by mid-morning and then in the afternoon until 5pm.
EFA News - European Food Agency