Great maneuvers in the Italian poultry sector: Officine Facco buys Sperotto
EUR 20 million operation to expand the broiler sector

Officine Facco of Campo San Martino (Padua) announces the acquisition of Sperotto of Sandrigo, in Vicenza, in turn a national reference for the breeding systems of broilers. The operation from 20 million Euros is announced by the former president of Confindustria Padua, Massimo Finco president and managing director of Officine Facco, society that is about to close 2023 with approximately 185 million Euros of group revenues, strong growth compared to 144 million in 2022.
"This operation shows how much we still believe in our work and in our territory -explains Finco reported by Northeast Economy-. The acquisition goes in the sense of developing a partnership at the center of which there is not only the business but the people involved. Our family is very similar to the Sperotto family: the founder Aquilino, father of Renato and Augusto, was mayor of Sandrigo, like my father Luigi di Campo San Martino, and was also one of the landmarks of the Centro Produttività Veneto. In short, we are entrepreneurs and families that have the same story. When we signed our first thought was towards our families, our businesses but also towards our territories".
With over 600 direct employees, 10 subsidiaries worldwide, 2 production plants (one in Padua and one in Brazil) Officine Facco has an operational presence in 70 countries with its full range of advanced poultry systems for the egg production segment. Sperotto, smaller, invoices between 15 and 25 million Euro each year.
"Each company will continue to operate as it has always done -underlines the ad of Officine Facco-. Both will benefit from the skills of the other: we will bring the systems, technologies and plants of Sperotto in the world opening a space in the field of broilers. Sperotto, for his part, will strengthen our skills and contribute to a research and development path that is increasingly important".
"Only recently -adds Finco- we have built, in Ukraine, a plant of about one million laying hens, the largest in the world, and we are now building one in Nebraska for about 300 thousand, worth 15 million dollars. But our world is evolving: the theme of food safety, strongly linked to animal welfare, the ability to read and manage production data remotely, the environmental sustainability of plants and product traceability (from the laying hen to the omelette on the plate) are central points of the challenge of the coming years. A challenge that can only be overcome with dimensional growth and finding excellent, solid partners. We found them in Sperotto".
EFA News - European Food Agency