Marca by Bolognafiere 2024: exhibition surface expands (+20%)
Italian private labels are growing in value (+16.7%) and international buyers are increasing

After the success of 2023, the twentieth edition of Marca by BolognaFiere, scheduled for 16 and 17 January 2024, is preparing to be the largest ever: there are 7 pavilions busy for the many companies that will occupy the 25,000 meters net squares of exhibition space, with an increase of 20% compared to last year, alongside the most important brands of modern distribution that make up the Technical Scientific Committee of the event: Agorà Network, Brico Io, Carrefour, Conad, Consorzio C3, Coop, Coralis, Cortilia, Crai, D.It - Distribuzione Italiana, Decò, Despar, Ergon, Italy Discount, Lekkerland, Marr, Md, Risparmio Casa, Selex, S & C Consorzio Distribuzione Italia and Végé.
The growth of the event is also confirmed by the excellent data on sales of private label products. As Circana certifies for the Marca Observatory by BolognaFiere, in September 2023 the private label achieved growth in value of 16.7%, reaching 22.1 points of share, with an increase of +1.3 points compared to same period of 2022. Growth also confirmed in "real" terms, with an increase in volume of +4.1%.
A positive trend that reveals how MDD is increasingly present in the shopping carts of Italians, due to the trust placed by consumers in the quality of the products, playing an important role in the country's economy, despite the uncertainty that weighs on the period.
With the strategic and dimensional growth of the MDD market and the event, the interest of international buyers is also increasing. Thanks to the promotional activities abroad implemented by BolognaFiere and the collaboration of Ice-Agenzia, the participation of buyers from Argentina, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, China, Cyprus, Colombia, Costa Rica, Croatia has already been confirmed , Denmark, Ecuador, France, Georgia, Germany, Japan, Great Britain, Greece, Kosovo, the Netherlands, Paraguay, Peru, Serbia, Slovakia, Spain, the United States, Sweden and Hungary.
Food will continue to play the predominant role of the event, but the non-food exhibition area is also expanding, which in particular broadens the product offering for home, pet and personal care. Marca Fresh and Marca Tech also double the exhibition space and the number of registered companies.
Marca Fresh, created in collaboration with SGMarketing, is gathering important memberships of companies specialized in the fresh and very fresh products sector and will offer a rich program of conferences dedicated to innovations in the sector and sustainability.
Marca Tech is the exhibition area dedicated to packaging, logistics, raw materials, ingredients, technology and services companies for modern organized distribution. Created in collaboration with Avenue Media, it will celebrate its first 10 years in January and will be the stage to address, with an innovative and sustainable approach, topics related to the supply chain of private label products.
At Marca by BolognaFiere the International Private Label Show (IPLS) takes new shape, an exhibition area dedicated to the companies' new products, grouped according to 8 sector megatrends indicated by Expertise On Field- IPLC. It will be a journey through product innovations of the territory, innovations dedicated to well-being and health, Free From / Rich In products, Flexitarian / Vegetarian / Vegan nutrition, ready-to-eat products (also for the Food Service and Ho.Re.Ca channel), the innovative Pack or reduced, Made in Italy, Sustainability.
As always, Marca by BolognaFiere will be inaugurated by the conference promoted by the Associazione Distribuzione Moderna (Adm), BolognaFiere's historic partner in organizing the event, during which the Ambrosetti Report on Private Label will be presented. This will be followed by the presentation of the XX Marca Report by BolognaFiere, entrusted to Circana.
EFA News - European Food Agency