Wine: Italian sales stable (+0.4%) in large-scale retail trade in the USA, UK and Germany
According to data from the UIV Observatory, 4 out of 10 bottles purchased overseas are low-alcohol

Sales of Italian wine still lack satisfaction in large-scale retail trade in the 3 main buying countries. According to the UIV Observatory's calculations on a Nielsen-IQ basis, in the first nine months the overall shelf performance in the United States, Germany and the United Kingdom timidly veered into positive territory, at +0.4% in volumes (it was at -0. 2% in the semester), for a total value of over 3.3 billion euros. Overall, in the three countries the trend demand for Italian sparkling wines decreases in volume (-2%) while stills increase by 1.2% (2.15 billion euros), for a total of 3.4 million hectoliters equal to to 452 million 0.75/litre bottles.
The stationary yield - notes the Observatory of the Italian Wine Union - is found in all markets, between highs and lows depending on the typology. Among the good news, the volume growth of sparkling wines in the USA (+3.7%) and that of the still wine market in Germany and the UK (around +4%), thanks also to significant improvements in Primitivo, Montepulciano and Nero d 'Avola. On the other hand, in the world's largest market, still wines from Italy are suffering (-6.6%), while the variations in sparkling wines in the UK and Germany are negative and stand at -5.9% and -1.4% respectively. The final calculation shows the UK stable (+0.1%), Germany in positive territory (+3.9) and the USA still declining (-3.5%).
And precisely in the United States, the influence of the American brand in large-scale retail trade is still high, marketing "low alcohol" products with fruit flavors coming from Italy and in particular from Piedmont. Out of a total of 906 million euros relating to purchases of Italian "table wines" (still and sparkling wines, excluding sparkling wines), the American Italian wine company totals sales of 341 million euros, with an impact on sales of the type at 38%.
“The phenomenon – said the general secretary of the Italian Wine Union (Uiv) Paolo Castelletti – must make our supply chain reflect, because it is the synthesis of the multi-target potential of wine in a phase of strong transition in consumption trends. The Italian model - added Castelletti - clearly remains the traditional one of high quality and the system of denominations, but this does not exclude the opening towards more "secular" forms of production, with "contaminations" that satisfy an increasingly disengaged and young demand often attentive to the alcohol content. The US player, also taking advantage of the Italy brand, has increased its business by 500% in the last 7 years and it is certainly no coincidence".
EFA News - European Food Agency