AgriTechnica: Bayer launches new strategic partnerships
Cooperation with Agrisem for agricultural data collection, while Amazone encourages precision agriculture

FieldView, Bayer's flagship platform for digital agriculture, and Agrisem, a French company active in the design, production and sale of solutions for conservation agriculture, announced at AgriTechnica a solid partnership that aims to improve connectivity and harvesting of data for farmers in Europe. This strategic collaboration provides farmers with cutting-edge tools for data visualization and real-time monitoring of planting performance. The integration of FieldView technology into the new Agrisem pneumatic and row Isobus seed drills will have a strong impact on the digital agriculture sector.
The two companies, strongly committed to the sector of innovation in agriculture, join forces to increase the value of their solutions. Farmers who invest in new Agrisem row seed drills or pneumatic seed drills will have direct access to seamless equipment integration with FieldView at the time of purchase. Complementary FieldView hardware and a one-year subscription to Plus software will enrich the value proposition for farmers in Italy, France, Spain, Germany, Poland, Romania, Bulgaria and Ukraine.
“The future of agriculture is happening now,” said Tristan Guilbot , France Digital Farming Business Lead at Bayer, explaining that by working “closely with ambitious companies aiming to reshape the future of conservation agriculture and minimum tillage ", opens the way to "more sustainable agriculture".
Farmers can now perform detailed data analysis remotely, from anywhere, at any time. They will be able to synchronize the planting maps generated by their Agrisem equipment to their FieldView account to conduct in-depth assessments of their farm's efficiency and improve decision making. FieldView, the digital solution of choice for more and more growers, will give them the ability to record, view and analyze performance in real time as they complete an operation with Agrisem equipment.
Another strategic collaboration announced in Hannover is the one with Amazone, a manufacturer of agricultural equipment: the aim is to further promote and simplify the adoption of precision agriculture practices. This collaboration aims to improve connectivity and create a link between FieldView's advanced digital tools and Amazone's precision machinery. Farmers will benefit from easier digital capture of all relevant agronomic parameters, marking an important milestone in the digital transformation of agriculture. Amazone and FieldView, both leaders in their field, are combining their expertise to make it easier for farms to adopt precision agriculture practices.
One of the main goals of FieldView is to provide farmers with more in-depth and objective information about the performance of their crops and fields. Therefore, the collaboration with Amazone aims to ensure perfect integration and communication between Amazone machines and FieldView Drive. Basic compatibility with Amazone crop protection sprayers and fertilizer spreaders already existed in the past. Together Amazone and FieldView worked to improve the documentation relating to variable rate fertilization based on prescription maps. In this way, if provided, Amazone spreaders can distribute a different application rate on the right and left side when processing prescription maps. Thanks to the collaboration with Amazone, recording the variable rate distribution of both dishes is now also possible in FieldView.
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