Rai Italia/2. Public TV is a formidable tool for Italian quality food
CEO Roberto Sergio to EFA News: "It's important to tell it, even in times of synthetic food"

It is an "institutional duty" to tell "the best of our country". This is what the director of Rai Offerta Estero (service abroad) Fabrizio Ferragni expressed himself to EFA News, on the sidelines of the event "A world of Italy. New markets, our Originals", held today at the Rai headquarters in via Asiago in Rome (read EFA News).
Rai Italia, in its broadcasts, often focuses on Italian excellence "including agri-food. We do this - explains Ferragni - in collaboration with institutional subjects and we are going to offer a vertical story of Italian products and cuisine which are something truly unique to us."
The "verticalization" method involves the filming of many local broadcasts, for example the Tgr, "and we retrace them through a vertical chain by region, so we talk about Abruzzo, Trentino, Tuscany and this allows us a unique and unrepeatable - adds the Rai manager -. Then, we also do a refresh, that is, we take the best of these programs by updating the product for which it is a matter of valorisation. It should be kept in mind that 93% of our work and our production they are internal."
"Certainly the values of Rai and the values of the country are represented through the product that the country knows how to create - adds the CEO of Rai Roberto Sergio -. What is more important and better than the Italian food product, the one with the quality seal? I think that from this point of view, going on to talk about it even when we start talking about synthetic or cultivated products is an important fact. I therefore believe that Rai must forcefully transfer the value of the Italian product, which It is a quality product that is highly appreciated throughout the world."
EFA News - European Food Agency