Rai Italia/3. Tajani: "Return to occupy the spaces of fake-Italian food"
In conversation with EFA News, the Italian Foreign Minister urges the relaunch of agri-food exports

Rai represents "a model of Italian know-how, a tool for making Italy better known, also as a company". Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Antonio Tajani said this this morning while speaking at the press conference "A world of Italy. New markets, our Originals", promoted by the Rai foreign offer management. “It is a tool to keep 7 million Italians registered with the Aire united with the motherland,” added the minister.
According to Tajani , it is essential to promote - also through public television - "roots tourism", which means "offering opportunities and attracting investments". A privileged area, in this sense, is obviously agri-food, which continues to represent "a important part of our exports", which covers "around 40% of the gross domestic product", reiterated Tajani to EFA News .
Agri-food, the minister recalled, is therefore a formidable lever for the GDP itself and a "flagship of our production. We are a country where we eat well and making people eat well abroad with Italian products is one of our objectives - said Tajani -. We must occupy spaces that today are occupied by the 'fake Italian'. If the fake Italian is liked so much, imagine how much the real Italian can be liked!".
In conclusion, the minister recalls the government's successes in terms of foreign trade: "We have also opened doors in China, we have resolved some problems with the United States for the export of agri-food products which mainly concerned the regions of Umbria and Tuscany. So let's go in this direction, working in perfect harmony."
EFA News - European Food Agency