Italy. Nespresso solidarity: 1 million rice dishes donated in 2023 (+14%)
The collaboration with the Food Bank will allow support for over 500 thousand needy people

Nespresso confirms its synergistic commitment to sustainability and solidarity and announces the achievement of the milestone of one million dishes of rice donated throughout 2023 in Italy. This was possible thanks to the collaboration with the Food Bank of Lombardy, Lazio, Piedmont and, from this year, also from Puglia region, thanks to the "Da Chicco a Chicco" project (read EFA News).
The system promotes the collection and recycling of used aluminum coffee capsules: a method which, from 2011 to today, has made it possible to donate a total of 900 quintals of rice. Following the memorandum of understanding signed with Cial, Utilitalia and Cic (Italian Consortium of Composters), the project allows customers to return their capsules to Nespresso Boutiques or in partner eco-islands throughout Italy, for a total of over 170 collection points in more than 80 Italian cities.
Once collected by the companies managing the separate waste collection service, the used capsules are cleaned of residual coffee and sent for recycling. While the aluminum is melted and transformed into new objects, compost is obtained from the coffee to fertilize Italian rice fields, from which Nespresso then buys back the rice destined for the Food Bank.
The objective of one million dishes reached in 2023, together with additional funding from the Puglia Region, will allow support for over 500 thousand people in more than 2,500 charitable structures, shelters, street units, canteens and spaces dedicated to supporting those needs it most through dedicated deliveries and solidarity parcels, with an increase of 14% compared to the quantity of rice distributed in 2022.
EFA News - European Food Agency