Fiorucci, unions reply to the company: no outsourcing
The property proposes to reduce the redundancies of 20% and confirms recovery plan

In a joint press release, the Italian triple union retaliated harshly to the (foreign) ownership of Rome based Fiorucci Cured Meat, which had intervened with a note on Christmas Eve on the crisis of the group.
First of all Flai-Cgil, Fai-Cisl and Uila-Uil, deny any opening on any outsourcing. "Contrary to what is stated by the property, no opening has been made by the trade union acronyms regarding the hypothesis of outsourcing and/or tertialization of production. The Trade Unions and the have, on the contrary, reiterated their firm opposition to any form of outsourcing or outsourcing for processing".
"The Trade Unions -continues the statement-, have explicitly requested the revocation of the current process of staff reduction. Request aimed at safeguarding the future of the Santa Palomba (Rome) plant and eliminating any form of termination of employment relationships that is not supported by the requirement of voluntariness".
In any case, the unions "reiterate their full willingness to a constructive, participatory and shared confrontation. And with regard to the relaunch plan, they require different timing and modalities compared to the perspectives indicated by the management. In particular, a prompt and unconditional provision of the sums estimated by Fiorucci as a 6-year multi-year investment is requested. This is in order to preserve the industrial nature of the plant and ensure the full relocation to the market of the Fiorucci brand, positioning it in a predominant way compared to the competition".
Previously the company had communicated the availability to reduce the redundancies of 20% regarding the 211 previewed - of which approximately 100 pensionables within 48 months -the willingness of the unions to assess the proposed company shock absorbers and the possibility of transferring the lower value-added activities to specialised suppliers, in line with competition practice.
Also confirmed the relaunch plan, which includes investments of Euro 32 million in 6 years, of which at least 7 M in the next 2 years, focused on automation and modernization of plants, export development and strengthening of the sales force, on occupational safety and hygiene to protect employees and end customers.
Finally, the property, composed of the german Navigator Group and the irish White Park Capital, confirmed the capital injection in function of the losses of the last 12 months and debt items to implement the turnaround in the 18 months following the purchase from the previous property, the mexican Sigma Alimentos. "The company, the property states, has no debts to third parties or banks".
EFA News - European Food Agency