E-commerce, Yakkyo listed in Euronext Growth Milan
Debut for innovative SMEs that automates exchanges with AI

It received the notice of admission to trading of its shares on EuronextGrowth Milan and debuted on Borsa Italiana today, Friday 29 December Yakkyo, Innovative SMEs that develop integrated software solutions for the process of drop shipping and wholesale sales of third-party products: the company has developed a suite based on artificial intelligence to assist its customers in online sales.
Yakkyo’s admission to trading on Egm-Pro took place without the placement of newly issued ordinary shares: the listing, therefore, is the first "just listing" transaction on Borsa Italiana. "The company -the official statement emphasizes- will evaluate in the future, also on the basis of market conditions, the opportunity to raise capital and move on the segment Euronext Growth Milan".
Yakkyo is an innovative SME that deals, on behalf of its customers owners of e-commerce, the procurement phase, storage and logistics of goods worldwide, through the proprietary platform Yakkyofy. It is the only company based in Europe that develops integrated software solutions for the process of drop shipping and wholesale sale of third party products through the use of AI.
The company has set up a department dedicated to research and development, aimed at optimizing the automation of processes. Starting in 2022, Yakkyo focused R&D on AI-based technologies and applications with "the goal of providing additional support to its customers at the crucial stages of launching and promoting its online stores/brands".
This has led to the creation of Pandarocket.ai, a suite equipped with AI that allows customers to significantly optimize a series of activities ranging from market analysis to the definition and implementation of product launch strategies, the creation of marketing materials, the improvement of the landing pages and the identification of customer segments.
The company’s goal is to automate e-commerce, simplifying the purchase and shipping of products from around the globe, to allow customer companies to focus on sales and marketing activities, ensuring a catalogue with over 14 million products.
"After the fundraising and crowdfunding operations, which allowed the initial development of the company, the landing on the Stock Exchange represents a strategic step for the development of Yakkyo -explains Giovanni Conforti, president and ceo of Yakkyo-. The listing, in fact, will allow us to accelerate our organic growth, consolidate our presence abroad and enhance our platform by making the most of technological drivers related to Artificial Intelligence".
"This -adds Conforti- will allow us to make drop shipping services and those related to different business models in e-commerce more efficient and of high value for our customers, thanks to an increasingly advanced level of automation. At the same time, we are committed to supporting sellers on the digital marketing front by solving the most time-consuming tasks, to allow them to focus on developing what makes their online business unique. In this perspective, we offer them the freedom to dedicate themselves to creativity, style and everything in which they are not substitutable, so that they can successfully develop the brand and give it a distinctive flavor".
In the first 9 months of 2023, Yakkyo generated a production value of 3,7 million Euro with an ebitda margin of 8.5% and net cash debt of 200.000 Euro.
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