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Despar and Spar International: support for Italian athletics

From 6 to 9 March, the company will be the protagonist at the European Indoor Championships in Apeldoorn

Content creation initiative created in collaboration with gymnast and special correspondent Federica Macrì.

The Abete banner continues to make its way into the world of athletics with its presence also at the European Indoor Championships that will be held in Apeldoorn in the Netherlands from 6 to 9 March: an event that Despar supports alongside Spar International, an international group of which Despar Italia is a part, which for over 25 years has been the main sponsor of the most important continental athletics competitions.

After the European Athletics Championships in Rome 2024, Despar continues to support fans of this sport with a content marketing activity on social platforms together with the "special correspondent" Federica Macrì, a former Olympic gymnast who also competed at the 2008 Beijing Olympics, now a personal trainer and fitness coach, as well as a content creator in the fitness and lifestyle fields.

On social media, as already done on the occasion of the European Athletics Championships in Rome 2024, Federica Macrì will document the event daily, offering Despar followers an exclusive story with daily updates on the most exciting moments of the event, behind the scenes of the event, backstage videos and special meetings with the athletes.

“We are happy to be part of this great sports celebration alongside Spar International,” comments Ombretta Putzu , Marketing and Communications Manager of Despar Italia. “After the exciting experience that saw us, together with Federica Macrì, tell the story of the 2024 European Athletics Championships which returned to Rome after 50 years, once again our brand will be present at this important sporting event which represents the opportunity to underline our commitment to supporting sport and the positive values it embodies, such as passion, dedication and team spirit that we at Despar share and put at the service of our customers every day.”

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