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Italian sparkling wine record abroad

By the end of 2022, 700 million bottles had been uncorked

After New Year's Eve, it's time for first balance sheets. First of all for the Italian bubbles. The first data claim that the historic record for made in Italy toasts was reached in the world in 2022. In fact, it seems that, with the stroke of midnight on 31 December, the number of bottles of Italian spumante uncorked abroad rose to over 700 million. These figures derive from an initial estimate by Coldiretti, according to which Italy should have reached for the first time a value of exports abroad of more than 2 billion (+23%).

According to Coldiretti, as in Italy sparkling wine ranks as the most present product in year-end dinners, abroad so many Italian bubbles have never been requested: for what concerns the number of bottles, Italy clearly dominates in global toasts in front of french champagne, which however still manages to fetch higher prices.

Outside national borders, the most passionate consumers are the Americans who spent 13% more on Italian bubbles in 2022, while the British are in second place with an increase of 27%: Germany is in a lower position in terms of consumption, however it highlights a +14%. In the ranking of the favorite Italian bubbles in the world, among others there is Prosecco which is by far the best-selling sparkling wine.

The trend in demand is also positive in Italy where 95 million bottles are uncorked during the end of the year holidays. However, according to Coldiretti, the increase in production costs due to high energy costs weighs on the success of sparkling wines: for vineyards increases have been up to +170% for fertilizers, while in cellars a glass bottle costs up to 70% more than last year. It must be remembered that the prices of caps, labels and packaging cartons also raised, with increases of 35% and 45% respectively.

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EFA News - European Food Agency
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