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Anuga changes, Jan Philipp Hartmann new director

Replaces Stefanie Mauritz to lead the development of the food fair

As of 1 April 2023, Jan Philipp Hartmann will take over as Director of Anuga at Koelnmesse with responsibility for the direct management and development of the world's leading food fair. He will succeed Stefanie Mauritz, who was appointed to the role in December 2019. 

Hartmann, who has been with Koelnmesse since 2016, has extensive experience as sales manager for exhibitors at the ISM Middle East and ISM confectionery fair. As of mid-2019, thanks to this wealth of international experience and his sales skills, he has contributed to the development of ISM Middle East as a director also by overseeing the rebranding of the event. 

"We are very pleased to have found a talented professional in our ranks for one of our largest global trade fairs -explains President Gerald Böhm-. Anuga will benefit enormously from Hartmann's wealth of international experience, with his international expertise and passion for the world of events".

The new director is optimistic about the future and has already set some clear goals. "I aim to refine and expand the Anuga brand, especially with regard to its status as a world-class trade fair -he anticipates-. To achieve this, we must clearly differentiate ourselves from the competition, courageously defend our role as content leader and incorporate even more events into our B2B concept'.

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EFA News - European Food Agency
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