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Packaging: the 27 EU countries approve the regulation and directive

Reuse and recycling will be encouraged, according to the principles of the circular economy

The decision taken by the Coreper I ambassadors will then pass to the European Parliament and the Council of European Ministers

The 27 Member States of the European Union today approved the Regulation on packaging and packaging waste and the Directive on companies' due diligence for sustainability. The decision was adopted at the level of Ambassadors in the Committee of Deputy Permanent Representatives to the European Union (Coreper I). This is the last step for the adoption of the two measures after negotiations with the European Parliament and will then be formalized by the latter and by the ministers of the 27.

This was announced by the current Belgian presidency at the helm of the EU. "No to waste created by packaging, yes to recycling and reuse", underlines the presidency. The new directive "addresses the increase in packaging waste, while harmonizing the internal market and promoting the circular economy". According to diplomatic sources, Malta and Austria have reserved the approval of the agreement.

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EFA News - European Food Agency
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