FESASS: Scordamaglia elected vice-president
"In the coming years the organization can and must play a fundamental role in Europe", says the new appointee

During the general assembly of the European Federation for Animal Health and Sanitary Safety (FESASS) Luigi Scordamaglia , CEO of Filiera Italia, was unanimously elected new vice-president of FESASS with responsibility for food safety representing the Italian Association Breeders (Hague).
Luigi Scordamaglia, born in 1965, graduated in Veterinary Medicine in 1990 from the University of Perugia, where he subsequently also obtained a PhD on "Development, hygiene, healthiness and quality of animal production". Until 1994 he carried out teaching and research activities in the food sector in the same faculty. He subsequently obtained a specialization diploma in "Food Inspection" at the University of Turin, and obtained a Master's degree in "Corporate Finance and Management Control" at the Faculty of Economics of the University of Modena. For several years he held various roles in Assocarni, and from 2006 to 2022 he was CEO of Inalca. From 2015 to 2018 he held the position of president of Federalimentare.
“In the coming years, Fesass will be able and must play a fundamental role in Europe for the defense and promotion of a key sector for the rural economy and for the EU agri-food sector, such as the livestock sector”, declared Scordamaglia . “Italian and EU breeders, as well as Aia, FESASS and all the organizations that are part of it, have among their priority objectives the health and well-being of farm animals and this is the prerequisite for production of safe and quality food for the final consumer, as well as for an EU livestock sector that is sustainable from an environmental, economic and social point of view”, concluded Scordamaglia .
Veterinary medicine has and will increasingly have a central role in the management of the One Health model which sees the health of the environment, animals and humans inextricably linked to each other. Since 2001, FESASS has brought together the most important organizations responsible for animal health in 10 Member States and represents 85% of the EU's bovine herd and 75% of its pig, sheep and goat herd. It also represents other livestock sectors such as poultry, rabbitry and beekeeping.
EFA News - European Food Agency