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Artificial meat: only 22.5% of Italians are in favor of consuming it

More consensus for vegetable substitutes (30.4%), according to a NielsenIQ survey

30.4% of Italians are inclined to consume vegetable meat substitutes (processed foods based on vegetable proteins) while only 22.5% are in favor of artificial meat. This is what emerges from a survey carried out by NielsenIQ, which also confirms the greater openness of young people to new food trends: 40.7% of young people between 18 and 25 years old are in fact in favor of vegetable meat, while the percentage drops 17 .7% among those over 65; as regards synthetic meat, the most favorable age group is that of 26-35 years (38.7%), while the minimum consensus is found at 56-65 years (9.9%).

Among the recurring reasons in the choice of new diets, we find the "greater respect for animal life" (39.2%), the "reduction of the environmental impact compared to conventional farming" (39%) and the "possibility of reducing the consumption of traditional meat, but without giving up taste" (29.8%). Those who, on the contrary, express skepticism, justify it with the "perplexity regarding the safety of these products on human health in the long term" (51.5%), the "high prices" (40.2%) and the "ethical issues linked to genetic manipulation to obtain synthetic meat" (39.4%).

Finally, as regards food obtained from insects, 15.1% of those interviewed see them as a potential protein source. However, there are stronger reasons: there are those who highlight the "reduction of the environmental impact compared to conventional breeding" (28.8%), those who highlight the "simplicity in the breeding process" (26.2%), still others take into account the "lower costs compared to traditional meat" (25.4%).

The detractors of this type of "novel food" justify their position with "strong personal resistance and refusal to consume" (51.3%), "perplexities regarding safety and hygiene" (45.1%) and "taste and consistency unappetizing" (41.2%).

The NielsenIQ data are overall in line with another survey carried out about a year ago by Eurispes: on that occasion, one in four Italians declared themselves to be supportive of synthetic meat, while those interviewed were in favor to foods made from insect flour stood at 23.3%.

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EFA News - European Food Agency
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