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Unaitalia: assembly confirms Antonio Forlini as president

Italian poultry meat production is growing (+7.7%), turnover rises to 7.5 billion euros (+2.7%)

Antonio Forlini was reconfirmed today as president of Unaitalia, the reference association for the poultry meat sector: a sector that has 64 thousand employees and a turnover of 7.5 billion (+2.7% on 2022) against a production of 1,328,600 tonnes of white meat and 12.3 billion eggs. The renewal of the presidential mandate for the three-year period 2024-2027 was announced today during the Unaitalia Members' Assembly underway in Bologna.

Teramano, born in 1960, Forlini has a degree in Law and an MBA master's degree from Bocconi in Milan. Since 1996 he has been a manager of the Amadori Group, where he has held various managerial responsibilities. During the Assembly, Ruggero Moretti , CEO of Cascina Italia spa and president of Eepa (European Egg Processors Association - European Association of Egg Producers), was reconfirmed as head of the Unaitalia Eggs Committee.

“I thank all the members for their renewed trust in me", said President Forlini . "After two difficult years characterized by avian flu, today the sector is in good health: in 2023 we recovered self-sufficiency, now at 105, 5%, thanks to production growing by 7.7% in volume and 2.7% in value. And the first quarter of 2024 sees an average volume growth of 6.7%. But the scenario is not entirely rosy. The effects of climate change, the continuation of the conflict in Ukraine and the worsening of the conflict in the Middle East have made global trade trends increasingly unstable. The sector faces very complex challenges ranging from European dossiers on animal welfare to sustainable development of the sector based on a balance between environmental, economic and social sustainability."

"We must preserve the availability for consumers of the most democratic and easily accessible proteins, i.e. white meat and eggs. Over the next three years we will work so that the foundations are laid in the EU for a dialogue with the sector free from ideologies and based on scientific evidence, hoping that the policy can put food safety and self-sufficiency first, guaranteeing regulatory reciprocity also with respect to international competitors", concludes Forlini .

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EFA News - European Food Agency
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