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Kissabel global apple: early start to the 2022 campaign

Produced in 14 countries and 5 continents, they will be showcased at Fruit Attraction in Madrid

Harvesting of the first Kissabel apples of the new season in the Northern Hemisphere began at the end of August and beginning of September. This early harvest will bring the range of coloured-flesh apples onto store counters about 10-15 days before the expected date. The outcome of more than 20 years of research using solely natural methods, Kissabel apples are grown in 14 countries on 5 continents and provide the widest assortment of red-flesh apples, characterised by different skin and flesh colours, flavours and harvesting times.

The first growers to start picking were French partners Mesfruits and Blue Whale, and Fenaco in Switzerland. The entire range is to be on sale in the United Kingdom for the first time thanks to producer Worldwide Fruit, which will also distribute the Rouge variety, while Greenyard will continue to offer Orange and Jaune. In early October, harvesting will also begin in Germany, through partner Red Apple Germany Consortium, and in Italy, where Kissabel apples are grown by Melinda, Rivoira and VIP. United States partner NBT will also run its first distribution campaign in 2023.

The quantity of product available is increasing all the time: Fabio Zanesco, Sales and Marketing Manager of VIP (Italy), confirms a 30% rise in output, which however will be partly scaled down by the damaged caused to fruit by hailstorms, leading to a packout similar to that of 2021.

The campaign is also expected to be a success for the British partner Worldwide Fruit, which is highly motivated by the coming on stream of the Rouge variety, viewed as an opportunity both on the domestic market and for export. “In the United Kingdom, the fruit’s finish appears to be very good,” comments Hannah McIlfatrick, Sales Manager of Worldwide Fruit, “and, provided water supplies do not fail, the size profile seems to be much improved compared to last year. Growers have put a great deal of time and effort into the management of tree loads and crowns, and this should ensure good sizes and internal colour and an outstanding Brix level”.

The European partners are expected to achieve their best sales results in the first few months of the sales season, also because the campaign is expected to be relatively short in view of the high demand and the small amount of product available. In many countries, promotional activities will peak in October, around Halloween, especially for red-skin and red-flesh apples. 

Wolfgang Kreiser, Managing Director of Red Apple Germany Consortium, reports that in Germany the theme of Halloween will initially be advertised on the packaging. Subsequently, a Baking Red event will be held at the points of sales in autumn. In the first phase, consumers will be invited to upload their recipes, including images. In the second phase they will be able to vote and ultimately win. The campaign refers to the impressive images of the recipes with red-fleshed apples.

“In France, we will once again be concentrating our in-store marketing activities at Halloween”, explains Adrien Touzet, Export Marketing Manager of Blue Whale. “We have prepared a themed shopper and a game for consumers. What’s more, we have produced informative materials for points of sale and new 6 and 8-fruit packagings for the whole Kissabel® range sale period. These packagings will also be used for the European markets, where we are organised to provide ad hoc in-store activities if appropriate”.

Consumer engagement is also central to the strategy of Italian partner VIP. “We are expecting a dynamic sales season,” Mr Zanesco explains, “and will be focusing on tastings, both in modern distribution and in the traditional market, to excite consumers’ curiosity; we also will be using the special Kissabel multipack for sampling addressed to B2B customers. The contents and activities of the brand’s international profiles will also be renewed and amplified via our channels”.

Last but not least, the brand’s marketing campaign will be reinforced and completed by participation at Fruit Attraction in Madrid, from 4-6 October 2022, with a dedicated stand (F02F, hall 8). The exhibition, which takes place while the harvesting campaign is in full swing, is an essential showcase, where the brand can present its products, offer tastings and create awareness about the range’s exclusive characteristics.

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