Beer & Food attraction prepares for 2024 edition
February 18-20, 2024 revamped format over three days for out-of-home B2B

Out-of-home players are preparing to set course for the 2024 edition of Beer & Food Attraction, Italian exhibition group's event dedicated to B2B out-of-home catering. The event, scheduled from sunday, Feb. 18 to tuesday, Feb. 2024 at the Rimini fairgrounds in conjunction with BBTech expo, a professional trade fair for technology and raw materials for beer and beverages, returns by focusing on three days, instead of the usual four, for networking, training and industry update opportunities.
Ieg renews the format of the event, which is characterized by constant evolution and the ability to showcase the best of the beer, beverage and food industry: a choice shared with the main players in the sector to concentrate the opportunities aimed at professional operators in a strategic period, in order to foster a better overall experience.
Market news and food service trends will be at the center of the ninth edition of the 2024 event, thanks to an exhibition area that welcomes the companies and brands of excellence in the brewing universe, from micro-breweries to global brands, and the entire beverage world, from waters to spirits to soft and energy drinks, up to the return of Mixology Circus, a space signed Ieg with trendy Italian cocktail bars and ready to expand to international presences. There is certainly no shortage of food proposals, fast and experiential, with the protagonists of production and distribution for the horeca channel.
A platform for training and updating, with insights into market trends, consumption and topical issues in the brewing industry, the event benefits from the patronage of Assobirra and will once again be the scene of championships and competitions of absolute level for the different souls of the sector. Prominent among others are Unionbirrai's Beer of the Year award, the Italian Cuisine Championships, organized thanks to a partnership with Fic-Italian Federation of Chefs, and the Pizza Without Borders World Championship by Ristorazione Italiana Magazine.
In the 2024 edition, the unfailing appointment with the International Horeca Meeting organized by Italgrob will return, an opportunity for the entire beverage supply chain to compare notes involving the main production and association realities of the sector to chart future routes based on trends and scenarios involving the industry.
EFA News - European Food Agency