Food security, $1.5 billion investment between Africa and Arab countries
The Arab-African trade Bridges program increases trade exchange between members

The Aatb programme, Arab-Africa trade Bridges, aimed at promoting and increasing trade and investment between African and Arab member countries has launched a new initiative from 1,5 billion dollars to address ongoing challenges amid the global food security crisis. Under the new programme, financial operations related to food security will be implemented, as will capacity building and technical assistance services.
During the launch event held at the African Export-Import Bank in Cairo, members of the AATB Executive Committee stressed the importance of the new food security programme for their member countries. With the launch of the AATB programme, they hope to use their skills, resources and partnerships to implement targeted actions that address the specific food challenges of each member country. The programme focuses on the four pillars of Aatb: trade, investment, insurance and infrastructure.
In a statement, Aatb said that "the main objective of the programme is, in the short term, to address and determine the immediate food safety requirements of member countries, with particular attention to ensuring resources for a consistent and reliable supply of essential food".
The AATB hopes that "by attracting investment, improving infrastructure, optimising value chains and promoting cooperation, the programme can build resilient and sustainable food systems that ensure availability, accessibility and accessibility of nutritious foods for all".
"The programme -adds the Aatb note- reflects the commitment to addressing the evolving priorities of member countries in key areas such as health and food safety for sustainable development. By prioritizing the food sector, Aatb recognizes its importance for human well-being, economic growth, environmental sustainability and interconnected development. Through this programme and the associated initiatives, Aatb aims to contribute to the achievement of the SDGs, namely the sustainable development goals, and promote inclusive economic development among member countries".
EFA News - European Food Agency