Taiwan: exports to the USA and Japan exceed that of China
Agriculture minister visits Seattle for Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation meeting on food

Taiwan's Agriculture Minister Chen Chi-Chung led a delegation to the United States to attend the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Ministerial Meeting on Food Security in Seattle. Minister Chen chaired the "Taiwan Agri-Food Press Conference" on August 2, introducing Taiwanese high-quality agricultural and seafood products such as grouper, edamame, mango, tea, dried fruit and orchids to US officials, importers, distributors and media.
In his speech, Accesswire reported, Chen stressed that Taiwan's agricultural exports to the United States reached US$920 million in 2022, an increase of 5.1 percent from 2021. The United States they have now overtaken China to become Taiwan's largest agricultural export market. The minister then expressed the hope of recommending even more Taiwanese agricultural and food products to American consumers and deepening agricultural trade between Taiwan and the United States.
The agriculture ministry stressed that the United States has always been Taiwan's most important agricultural trading partner. In 2022, 22.8 percent of Taiwan's agricultural products imported came from the United States, totaling about US$4.67 billion. Taiwan is the seventh largest foreign market for US agricultural products, with major US imports including soybeans, wheat, corn, beef, chicken and apples. On the other hand, the United States is Taiwan's largest agricultural export market. In 2022, Taiwan's agricultural exports to the United States amounted to approximately US$860 million, including products such as orchids, tea, edamame, baked goods, noodles, as well as tilapia and other frozen fish. Taiwanese agricultural products are well received in the United States, and Taiwan is actively seeking US approval for the export of pineapple and processed pork products, hoping to introduce even more valuable and delicious Taiwanese agricultural products to consumers of the United States.
The global value of agricultural exports and exports to markets outside China reached record highs in 2021 and 2022, while the share of exports to China decreased from a high of 23.2% in 2018 to 12. 9% in 2022. The share of fruit exports to China dropped from 80.1% in 2019 to 1.6% in 2022. The United States and Japan have overtaken China to become the top two markets for Taiwan's agricultural exports, indicating significant achievements in government efforts to expand agricultural exports and reduce over-dependence on the Chinese market.
EFA News - European Food Agency