Uiv on wine imports in Latin America: CAGR of 9.2% in the last 20 years
According to a report, the region is still a small but rapidly expanding market

According to the data presented in the recent report Exportaciones mundiales de vino a América Latina, Latin America is still a small wine market but has been rapidly expanding for at least two decades, reports today Uiv, Unione Italiana Vini. The report was produced by the Observatorio Español del Mercado del Vino (OeMv) for the Organización Interprofesional del Vino de España (OIVE). Total imports by countries whose territories extend from Tijuana to Tierra del Fuego totaled a value of 1.191 billion euros in 2022, thus representing a 3.4% share of all global wine imports. However, this small value must be read together with the growth statistics: over the last twenty years the average growth rate of imports has been 9.2% (Cagr 2003-2022).
Brazil and Mexico are the two main import markets, which together account for 60% of wine imports throughout Latin America; the most attractive in terms of average import price are Panama, Dominican Republic, Peru, Costa Rica and Mexico (as well as naturally Argentina and Chile, wine producing and exporting countries). The highest growth rate in imports has been recorded in the last twenty years by Colombia and Brazil.
Looking at the suppliers of these markets, by value, in first and third place we find markets within the region, namely Chile, whose exports to neighboring countries reached the value of 368.2 million euros in 2022 (share of 29 %) and Argentina, with 199.9 million euros and a 15% share. Between the two there is Spain which last year sent wine worth 204.7 million euros to Latin America (16% share). Followed by France, 170.4 million euros and 13% share and Italy, 143.5 million euros and 11% share. The remaining 16% of the region's imports is the prerogative of Portugal (80.5 million euros; 6% share), the United States (69.1 million euros; 5% share), Uruguay (10.7 million euros; share 1%), Brazil (9.5 million euros; share 1%), Australia (8 million euros; share 1%) and other smaller suppliers (26.7 million euros; share 2 %).
EFA News - European Food Agency