Pesticides: more gradual halving, until 2035
The compromise measure passes by a clear majority to the EU Agriculture Commission

On pesticides, farmers' dissent obtains a compromise: the halving of pesticides will take place by 2035, rather than by 2030. The measure in the name of flexibility was voted yesterday in the Agriculture Commission of the European Parliament, with an overwhelming and transversal majority: 26 votes in favour, 9 against and 3 abstentions. "The negotiations led by the S&D group leader in the Agriculture Committee, Clara Aguilera - explains MEP Paolo De Castro - have led to a change in the reference period for calculating the reduction which takes better account of the efforts already made by some member states, in particularly Italy, in reducing the use of pesticides".
"Just think that from the three-year period 2011-2013 to today our farmers have already reduced the use of chemicals by over 20% - continues De Castro -. All this, together with the review clause which will evaluate its feasibility, makes it more realistic and the 2035 objective is achievable, but only if accompanied by a significant effort in innovation, which makes concrete alternatives available to combat plant diseases, starting with Tea, the new sustainable biotechnologies".
"The position approved today is confirmation of how political forcing and internal splits in the European Parliament never lead to significant steps forward. On the contrary, the discussion on the issues has led to positive results both for the agricultural sector and for the essential sustainability objectives that we have set ourselves as the European Union".
"The position approved today - concludes the PD-PSE MEP - is confirmation of how political forcing and internal splits in the European Parliament never lead to significant steps forward. On the contrary, the discussion on the issues has led to positive results both for the agricultural sector and for the essential sustainability objectives that we have set ourselves as the European Union".
EFA News - European Food Agency