Macfrut and Spice&Herbs: mission to present the fair and expo in Albania
Numerous Albanian companies will be in Rimini for the next edition of the event dedicated to fruit and vegetables

Focus on aromatic and medicinal plants in the meetings held in Tirana and Scutari on 15 and 16 November respectively. Albania is the fifth largest producer of medicinal and aromatic plants in the world and could not be missing from the stages of the promotion abroad of Spices & Herbs Global Expo, one of the main exhibitions at Macfrut.
The first meeting took place in Tirana in which numerous companies and stakeholders in the sector participated. The works opened with a welcome speech from Valbona Alikaj of the Albanian Agency for Investment Development (Aida), who last year supported a group of companies and said she was willing to collaborate for Macfrut 2024, followed by Franco Turri , head of the agriculture and development and rural sector of the Aics headquarters in Tirana.
Macfrut and the exhibition of medicinal plants was presented by Cecilia Marzocchi of Cesena Fiera, while Andrea Primavera , president of the Italian Federation of Official Plant Producers (Fippo), highlighted the numbers and challenges that operators must face to open new international outlets , so participation in the event scheduled in Rimini from 8 to 10 May is essential. Finally, Alban Ibraliu , professor of the Agricultural University of Tirana, department of agronomic sciences, photographed the numbers of the sector in Albania. The second stage of presentation of Macfrut and Spices & Herbs Global Expo was held on November 16th in the north of the country thanks to the support of the team of the Agency for Italian Development Cooperation in Albania.
The day began in Scutari with a presentation meeting attended by the Regional Agricultural Development Agency (AREB) and over 40 farmers from the area, particularly suited to the production of medicinal products. The mission then moved into the field with a visit to two local realities of great importance, Salvia Nord, a nursery and selection center for valuable genetic material for sage and helichrysum growers. "The owner presented his business by exposing the critical issues of the sector and underlined the role that a sector fair can have in supporting the development of crops, also favoring a direct outlet to more profitable markets", reports Primavera , president Fippo.
EFA News - European Food Agency