Nestlé develops in China N3, milk powder with probiotics
New range produced with cow’s milk enriched with essential nutrients

Nestlé has presented a new range of milk powder in China: it is called N3 and is produced with cow’s milk enriched with essential nutrients. The range includes a variant based on whole milk and one based on skimmed milk: both are high protein in order to promote a balanced diet for families.
Enriched with vitamins, proteins and minerals, the N3 range also includes probiotics that promote bone health, muscle growth, strength and immunity. In addition, it boasts a low lactose content and over 15% fewer calories. At a later stage, N3 milk will extend its presence to other categories of products, allowing Nestlé to contribute to health and well-being during the various stages of life.
The company, thanks to a proprietary technology, has reduced the lactose, sugar present in cow’s milk, using specialized enzymes: in this way it obtained prebiotic fibers that contribute "to the growth of more bifidobacteria up to three times, offering benefits to the intestinal microbiome of healthy adults", according to the multinational in a statement.
Nestlé claims to be the "first company to launch a dairy product with prebiotic fibers derived from milk’s intrinsic lactose". The result has been achieved by exploiting "research and development capabilities worldwide, including those in Switzerland and Singapore". Experts from Beijing’s research and development centers have adapted the technology locally to enable the launch of nutritious dairy products, specially designed to meet the food needs and preferences of local consumers.
"We are excited to launch this one-of-a-kind scientific innovation, which contains all the key nutrients in milk, but is low in lactose and contains special prebiotic fibers associated with several health benefits -stresses Stefan Palzer, chief technology officer of Nestlé-. This milk will serve as a basis for the next generation of nutritious products, which will benefit many consumers, including people intolerant to lactose and those who wish to improve their gastrointestinal health. It is also proof of our efforts to develop cutting-edge technologies that can be applied to different categories, brands and geographical areas".
"N3 -adds David Zhang, ceo of Zone Greater China for Nestlé- will transform the experience of milk consumption for Chinese consumers, allowing those with lactose sensitivity and gastrointestinal tract to enjoy a glass of nutritious milk without worries. We are proud to be the first market to introduce N3 milk. This further demonstrates Nestlé’s continued commitment to continually bring relevant innovations to local consumers".
EFA News - European Food Agency