Bolognafiere has submitted an application for listing
Negotiations will start on December 20th on the Euronext Growth Milan SME segment

BolognaFiere has submitted the application to Borsa Italiana for admission to trading of ordinary shares on Euronext Growth Milan - Professional Segment.
Admission to trading on EGM-Pro will take place following the completion of an offer for subscription of shares resulting from a specific capital increase, the total value of which is equal to 15 million euros. The placement price of the shares was set at 1.25 euros per share. The release by Borsa Italiana of the notice of admission to trading on EGM-Pro is expected on 18 December 2023, while the start of trading on 20 December 2023.
During the Board of Directors meeting held on 12 December 2023, Dr. was appointed. Antonio Bruzzone in the role of CEO, with effectiveness subject to the admission of the shares to trading on EGM-Pro. With over 30 years of experience in the exhibition sector, Dr. Bruzzone has held the position of General Manager of the Company since 2015, contributing significantly to the international growth of the Group. He is Vice President of the Association of Italian Exhibition Organizations and Vice President for Europe of UFI (The Global Association of the Exhibition Industry).
BolognaFiere is among the main international trade fair operators. The Group covers all phases of the value chain (trade fair organisation, venue management, fittings & architecture), operates in over 15 countries located on 3 continents (Europe, Asia and America) and organizes more than one hundred exhibition events every year. In 2005 it was the first Italian exhibition operator to open an office in China where today it has around 60 employees.
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