Fiorucci crisis: workers approve agreement by large majority
Having reduced voluntary exits to 151, the "non-opposition to dismissal" formula is adopted

Tomorrow last step with the company and the Lazio Region for the ratification of the agreement.
The workers' assemblies of Fiorucci Salumi, called to express their opinion on the agreement signed on 1 February by the national and territorial secretariats of Fai-Cisl, Flai-Cgil, Uila Uil and Ugl and by the company RSU have approved the agreement with 285 votes in favor out of 293 voters, 5 abstentions and 3 votes against. Since last August, however, Fiorucci (merged 100% under Fiorucci Holding) has been owned by the German Navigator group and the Irish White Park Capital.
The ratification of the protocol represents a significant step forward in the Fiorucci dispute and will open the doors to the discussion table between the Company, the local trade union organizations and the RSU, on the industrial relaunch plan and the reorganization which must take place in compliance with the art. 4 of the food industry collective bargaining agreement.
Reduced from 212 to 151, the redundancies are removed from the agreement. People leave only on a voluntary basis with the formula of non-opposition to dismissal. Both for employees closest to retirement and for workers considered non-strategic for the relaunch, there is coverage of up to 80% gross of the current salary from the date of termination of the relationship, including, where applicable, Naspi and with slight additional bonuses and outplacement services.
For the first group, incentive caps of 25 and 35 thousand euros are envisaged for each employee. For the second group, there are no ceilings, however the sum per person for the incentives is calculated between 70 thousand and 110 thousand euros. A clause is also included to protect compliance with article 4 of the sector contract and continuous verification of external procurement also with internal RSUs.
The final formal step with the Lazio Region and the company for the ratification of the agreement is expected tomorrow. The issue of relaunching production and the role of the Pomezia-Santa Palomba plant remains unchanged. The new ownership intends to strengthen the presence of the product in the Central-Northern markets, where the brand is less known, and enhance some productions.
"The workers, with their favorable vote, wanted to recognize the value and importance of the protocol signed with the company", reads a note from Fai-Cisl. "An agreement not to be taken for granted, in a very delicate dispute, which was also unblocked thanks to united mobilizations and close discussions between the parties, and which led to the withdrawal of forced dismissals and the adoption of the criterion of non-opposition to the dismissal as unique opportunity for possible voluntary exits".
EFA News - European Food Agency