Lactalis Italy sanctioned for unfair practices. The company resorts
The anti-fraud institute of the Agriculture ministry imposed a fine of 74,000 euros

The ad Pomella has announced its intention to meet Minister Lollobrigida.
A sanction has arrived for Lactalis in relation to the Italatte affair after the Icqrf Sanctions Office, the central fraud repression inspectorate, would detect several unfair practices conducted by the dairy company. Italatte, a subsidiary of the Lactalis Group, was sentenced, by Ordinance No. 86/2024 of 22 February 2024, to a penalty of 74,144.89 Euro according to Art. 4, paragraph 1, lett. d) of d. lgs. n. 198/2021. The sanction follows the complaint reported by Coldiretti. Italatte had formally asked ICQRF for a hearing to explain the choices and methods of its work" (read EFA News). According to the accusation, the farm has imposed a price of the milk not adequate to the breeders.
Lactalis announced an appeal. the French group in a precise note 'that in 2023 the proposed contractual modifications have allowed the breeders to profit 40 million euros, more than 10% more than initially agreed with a price in line with the market. Considering the alleged economic damage totally unfounded, Lactalis announces that its subsidiary Italatte will appeal against any sanctions that may be imposed.
Giovanni Pomella, ceo of Lactalis in Italy, added that "the issue of a milk price model that is sustainable for the whole chain is now a priority that must be addressed with the active involvement of all economic and institutional operators. In this sense, we hope to continue in the right and collaborative dialogue with all the actors in the sector by opening a discussion table for a milk-saving campaign that allows to protect the entire chain. In this regard I will personally request a meeting with minister Francesco Lollobrigida".
Lactalis recalls that it has always supported its donors with financing projects for investments in efficiency and sustainability, has a great attention to animal welfare, and collaborates with its milk donors to apply the highest standards of Animal Welfare. Today, 100% of their milk donors is compliant with the ClassyFarm system, which ensures proper management of the farm for healthy and well-cared animals'.
Finally, the company recalls that '"to support the milk supply chain has launched a project together with xFarm to help make the supply chain sustainable through the digital transition of the stables. The project is one of the first in Europe that also allows farmers to efficiently and sustainably manage and track their business. Through digitisation, the synergy between breeder and other actors in the supply chain is enriched by an important contribution towards the sustainability of the sector. The project started in 2022, involves 400 stalls giving Lactalis in different regions of Italy and has a duration of 5 years".
Lactalis is the first purchaser of the Italian milk chain, with an annual collection of about 1.3 billion liters, equal to about 11% of the total value of national production, and is the first international reality of the agri-food sector for the number of production sites in our territory. It is also the most important player in the national dairy sector, with 14.5% of all the turnover of the sector.
EFA News - European Food Agency