Unfair practices: more fines for Italatte (Lactalis)
Another 4 sanctions for a total of over 154 thousand euros

The italian Minister of Agriculture Francesco Lollobrigida had spoken of the ongoing provision of "100 administrative actions" against Lactalis and the ministerial cleaver against the French group arrives on time. As emerges from the Masaf website, the ICQRF (Central Fraud Repression Inspectorate) has in fact imposed further sanctions on Italatte (a subsidiary of Lactalis) for unfair practices, with three fines of 30 thousand euros each and one of 34,627.71 euros. The four sanctions are thus added to the one of 22 February of 74,144.89 euros.
The complaint is that he changed the price of milk purchased by Italian farmers without the involvement of the producers and that he introduced an index that links it to European prices. The company, on the occasion of the first sanction, announced an appeal.
EFA News - European Food Agency