Organic: Made in Italy exports are growing (+8%) in 2023
Germany is the first foreign market for italian products, followed by Benelux

The export of organic Made in Italy products around the world is growing. In 2023 there will be an increase in value of +8% compared to 2022, with the weight of organic products on Italian agri-food exports of 6%. In relation to Europe, Germany confirms its absolute first place as a destination market for Italian organic products both in terms of food (69% of the companies interviewed export organic to this market) and wine (66%). In second place is the Benelux, with 39% of food companies and 52% of wine companies present in this market, closely followed by the Nordics, with 31% and 52% respectively. Benelux, together with Germany and the Nordics, is once again cited by companies among the European markets that present the greatest growth prospects for Italian organic products.
This is the evidence behind the new focus of Ita.Bio, the first online platform - - of data and information for the internationalization of Made in Italy organic products curated by Nomisma and promoted by Ice Agenzia and FederBio, which has an in-depth study is planned on the countries of the Benelux area (Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg).
The analysis presented today on the occasion of the webinar "Internationalization of Organic Made in Italy: Benelux focus" confirmed that the trend of the organic sector is positive in the long term in all the countries considered: the Netherlands accounts for over 1.4 billion euros of sales of organic products in 2022 (+81% compared to 2012) and represent the first European market for imports of organic products. In Belgium, organic production is close to one billion, with a three-digit variation in the last ten years (+144% in 2022 compared to 2012). Luxembourg, although with an evidently smaller market share (164 million euros), is the country in the area with the highest incidence of organic products on total food expenditure (8% compared to 4% in Belgium and 4% % of the Netherlands) and the most significant per capita expenditure on organic food products (259 euros per person, compared to 81 euros in the Netherlands and 84 euros in Belgium).
Italy is on the podium in the ranking of the countries from which the highest quality food products come from in the perception of Benelux consumers. What guides lovers of Italian organic products in their purchase are first and foremost the manufacturer's brand and the 100% Italian origin of the raw materials. Sustainable packaging and the presence of an organic brand are also relevant (considered important by 23% of Made in Italy users). Wine and pasta represent the products that drive Italian organic in Benelux, followed by cheeses and extra virgin olive oil. In the last year, almost 60% of wine users have consumed Italian wine at least once and, of these, one in four has favored organic branded wines.
To increase diffusion, awareness and interest in Italian organic products, Benelux consumers require greater traceability of our products (28% consider the presence of a logo certifying the Italian origin of all raw materials to be an incentive) but also more information regarding to their sustainability (environmental, social and economic). The brand also plays a fundamental role (of the manufacturer first and foremost) but accompanied by important promotional actions in the area, starting from tasting activities at large-scale retail trade (considered by 39% of consumers to be the main lever for knowing/getting more information on the products organic food made in Italy).
EFA News - European Food Agency