Urbani Tartufi: 8 million euros to double the production plant
The company aims to create an increasingly larger, harmonious and sustainable work space

Urbani Tartufi engages the turbo and invests 8 million euros in wide-ranging innovations and expansions. The first objective among many: to double the historic production plant in Santa Anatolia di Narco (PG), which will therefore move to 16 thousand square meters of surface area. The company aims to optimize the production of its truffles, reducing waste to a minimum. All of this, obviously, from an increasingly "green" and sustainable perspective, only with the implementation of low environmental impact technologies but also with the expansion of green spaces around the company headquarters, which will also have a conference centre, a gym for employees and a new building with floor-to-sky windows.
The family company was founded in 1852, on the initiative of Costantino Urbani . After 172 years, the management is in the hands of the brothers Olga and Gianmarco Urbani , respectively president and managing director, supported by the general director Andrea Pascolini . The group and its top executives were at the center of the latest episode of "Boss in incognito", broadcast last night on Rai Due. During the docu-reality, Olga Urbani recalled that every year her company purchases 250 tons of truffles to be used for processing. The president, who was awarded the title of Knight of the Republic by the Head of State Sergio Mattarella , underlined the company's environmental commitment through the "Sustainable life" project, which places the person at the center while respecting the ecosystem, " according to a precise moral responsibility that must guarantee a balance for all those who make up Urbani in every place in the world".
Then there is the Truffleland project, which "arises from a continuous need for implementation, innovation and improvement", adds Olga Urbani . The project to double the size of the Sant'Anatolia di Narco plant started at end of 2023 and should be completed within two years, with the construction of eight production lines, dedicated to sauces, oils and other processed products, while in the current spaces only "pure" truffles will be processed. “We plant around 100 thousand trees from truffles every year", explains President Urbani , with benefits for the environment" and also for business, thanks to the sale of mycorrhizal truffle seedlings.
Yesterday's episode of "Boss in incongnito" had a great emotional impact on the entire Urbani Tartufi management. The general director Pascolini went to work incognito together with the workers. “I shed rivers of tears", confided the president, "in hearing the workers talk about us, without them knowing, because you realize that you don't perceive many things. This broadcast showed me a side I hadn't seen, even of myself; He gave me so much."
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