Cibus. Italy grows in agrifood more than all of Europe
From 2013 to 2023 +27% compared to the EU average (+12%). Satisfaction at the opening of the Salone by the ministers Lollobrigida and Urso

Italy is growing up in agrifood and it makes it known from the privileged stand of Cibus, the agri-food fair in progress in Parma until May 10. From here, from Parma, on the occasion of the inaugural conference "International competitive dynamics in the agri-food sector", the data of the research carried out by Cersi, Research Center for Entrepreneurial Development of the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart, in collaboration with Fiere di Parma.
The study shows in particular that in the decade 2013-2023 Italian growth in agrifood exports was 27% compared to 12% of the European average. A result that has led Italian agri-food products sold abroad to reach 64 billion dollars, about 10% of European exports, which is equal to 679 billion dollars, placing our country in fourth place in 2023 for export development in Europe.
Our Country has recorded an increase in all the four main branches of the agricultural and food industry: in the dairy the market share goes from 3.46% from 2013 to 4.75% of 2022, with an export value of 5.4 billion dollars); in cereal products the value of exports in 2022 is 8.3 billion dollars, corresponding to a market share of 8.34% (it was 7.95% in 2013), in canned and prepared fruits and vegetables the export of 2022 is worth 5 billion dollars, with a market share of 6.46% (6.38% in 2013) and in the beverage sector Italy has also climbed a position, passing from third to second place in the ranking, with a nominal value of exports in 2022 equal to 12.6 billion dollars, corresponding to a market share of 8.5%.
All data that can not not pride the insiders. First of all the government. "As the report shows -underlines the minister of Agriculture, Food Sovereignty and Forests Francesco Lollobrigida intervened at the opening of the Salon- our nation, thanks to the commitment of the Melons Government and the hard work of our farmers, producers and entrepreneurs, is showing encouraging signs of growth. Italy confirms itself as a land of excellence and a winner in foreign markets. An extraordinary result that highlights the quality of products made in Italy, the solidity of our entrepreneurial fabric and our ability to make system to conquer global markets. Italy is a great nation and these data can only confirm this: we are a superpower of quality".
"In the range of international production we are in Serie A -adds the minister of Enterprises and made in Italy Adolfo Urso at the opening of the event. The Food Valley of this territory is a true model of excellence in excellence that carries forward all the values that make Made in Italy great in the world. The International Food Fair Cibus in Parma, in fact, makes its real and great reopening after the years of the black swans and I am pleased to be here with all the other institutions but especially with the companies that are the real actors of the economy -continues Urso-. Our country, in fact, is composed of companies and people who are the authentic expression of the peculiarity of our industrial system that brings on the market products capable of being in the world because they are considered the beautiful ones, good and well made and for this in the range of international production we are in the A series and we are thanks to the power".
At the global level, Europe remains the world leader, with a market share of 2022 exceeding 40%. In particular, from 2020 we can see a slight reduction in Europe’s market share to the advantage of America and Asia: in 2022, 22.4% of world food export is Asian, while 29.5% American. Market shares are lower than those of our continent, but it certainly represents an "erosive" dynamic to be observed.
The trend emerges more clear if you look at the historical series indexed, assuming as a basis the year 2013: here clearly emerges the different relative speed of growth (and decrease) in the years of macro-areas. The world figure, in fact, is the composition of an America and an Asia capable of adding up +51% and +49% respectively, compared to Europe growing "only" by 33%.
For his part, the president of Fiere di Parma Franco Mosconi highlighted the key figures of this 22nd edition: "three thousand brands, over a thousand new products, about 3,000 top buyers from all over the world". Mosconi also highlighted how "This edition of Cibus comes at a particularly intense moment in terms of strategic importance for our company: in the first half of 2023 we concluded an important corporate agreement with Fiera Milano, which conferred the all-wood Company branch at Fiere di Parma. We are already working on the 2025 edition of tuttofood to be held in Milan from 5 to 8 May next year".
"Since 2016, the Exhibition Centre -adds Mosconi- has been a profitable collaboration with Koelnmesse in the food and machinery sector. Just think of the numbers of the recent edition of Cibus Tec. Well, strong of these two steps, we are now working on a third, of crucial importance: namely, the strengthening of the partnership between fdp and Koelnmesse along the Parma-Milan-Cologne route".
Positive comment by Paolo Mascarino, president of Federalimentare. "The food industry is a strong, growing sector and a sector that generates wealth thanks to its products and its businesses. A concreteness that is reflected in the great confidence that consumers reserve us and that are witnessed by 93% of citizens who attribute to the food industry social and economic development as well as, 94% see in Made in Italy food one of the main ambassadors of Italy in the world and a pull for our GDP. Numbers of a healthy and competitive industry that here at Cibus is showing all its value".
EFA News - European Food Agency