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Antica distilleria Quaglia wins 5 awards at the International wine & spirit competition

Gold Award for Servaj Dry Gin Tenuta Sussambrino: medals for the tamarind liqueur, poppy Elderberry and for the Espresso Liqueur "Ninebar

Antica Distilleria Quaglia is confirmed as an ambassador of excellence made in Italy by wearing the leading clothes at the prestigious IWSC competition, which since 1969 has been evaluating the best wines and spirits from all over the world. The (rigorous) jury of international experts has awarded the reality of Castelnuovo Don Bosco, an area with a deep wine tradition between Turin and Monferrato, 5 medals that enhance the already rich list of the distillery: 

  • two bronze awards for Liquore di Tamarindo and Papavero, Servaj Gin "Tenuta Sussambrino"; 
  • two silver awards for Liquore al Sambuco and for the Liquore al caffè espresso "Ninebar"; 
  • the coveted Gold Award for Iris, Servaj Dry Gin "Tenuta Sussambrino". 

"This achievement honours and rewards our commitment and our continuous research in the sign of quality -emphasizes the managing director and master distiller, Carlo Quaglia-. The evaluation criteria of the International wine & spirit competition are rigorous and structured, and the judges, carefully selected, represent an authority in the sector". 

"The IWSC jury -he adds- evaluates products from over 90 countries in a highly structured tasting process that takes place over seven months: a path that allows an in-depth and considered evaluation that is distilled, it is worth saying, in authoritative and recognized judgments by the world community of spirits enthusiasts. These five new medals, which are added to the 12 awards won in previous years, reward the essence of Antica Distilleria Quaglia: craftsmanship and innovation, tradition and creativity, roots in its own territory and experimentation". 

The spirits awarded by IWSC 2024

  1. Iris, Servaj Dry Gin Tenuta Sussambrino, Gold Award 2024 (95 points) "crystal clear, dynamic, indomitable", is a contemporary dry gin that, according to the company, "embodies a free spirit and releases surprising floral notes of a rich bouquet of botanicals that include iris, juniper, elderberry, rose, lemon balm, sage, thyme, marjoram, oregano, lavender". 
  2. Ninebar Italian espresso liqueur, Silver Award 2024 (92 points). This 100% Brazilian Arabica coffee espresso liqueur, toasted with birch wood is elegant and complex, with notes of coffee, cocoa, vanilla and caramel. The combination of espresso and aged brandy creates a unique product, with a velvety sip, with a persistent and pleasantly bitter finish, typical of the tasting of an espresso cup. Great to drink plain or in cocktails like the Espresso Martini.
  3. Liquore al Sambuco, Silver Award 2024 (91 points). A unique liqueur that is born from the infusion of Elderberry flowers born spontaneously on the hills of Asti: it combines delicacy and softness in a unique way. Its elegant notes give it a persistent aroma that then leaves room for a delicate and soft taste, with elegant floral hints.
  4. Papavero, Servaj Gin Tenuta Sussambrino, Bronze Award 2024 (89 points). A lively, sensual and mysterious gin in perfect balance between citrus and herbaceous Mediterranean fragrances and the softness of floral scents and spices. Its botanicals (poppy seeds, juniper, cocoa, vanilla, orange, mint, sage and cinnamon) combine freshness with an extraordinary intensity to the bouquet, giving rise to a vibrant and persistent sip.
  5. Liqueur di Tamarindo, Bronze Award 2024 (87 points). Refreshing and fruity, this liqueur is obtained from the alcoholic maceration of the ripe tamarind pulp. Exotic, intense and lively perfume. Sweet, in harmony with a light, pleasant acidity. To drink cold at the end of a meal, also perfect with gin, lemon juice and soda for a refreshing drink or with tequila and lime for an eclectic twist on a Margarita.

Antica Distilleria Quaglia

Founded in 1890 in Castelnuovo Don Bosco in the province of Asti, the distillery has its roots in an invaluable heritage of recipes, of secrets and precious knowledge that have been handed down for four generations and that defy the passage of time while maintaining their value intact. 

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