G7 Agriculture. Meloni: "Our food exports could be worth up to 70 billion euros"
Italian Premier opens event in Syracuse in front of a Grana Padano wheel

“If things go as we believe this year, exports of agri-food products will be worth up to 70 billion euros. It is the value of our wealth that is produced by farmers.” This was declared last Saturday by italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni at the inauguration of Expo Divinazione, in the context of the G7 Agriculture in Syracuse. “Made in Italy agri-food is an extraordinary piece of our identity known everywhere,” added Meloni , who attended the ribbon-cutting ceremony, together with the Minister of Agriculture, Food Sovereignty and Forests Francesco Lollobrigida , who was publicly praised by the Prime Minister for the “stupendous event” and the “beautiful and intelligent” initiative set up on the island of Ortigia.
During the day on Saturday, the Prime Minister visited numerous stands, giving her speech at the pavilion of Origin Italia, the Italian Association of Geographical Indication Consortia, which welcomed Meloni in front of a wheel of Grana Padano. The delegation of consortia thus wanted to represent the entire system with the most consumed protected designation of origin cheese in the world, as highlighted by Stefano Berni , general director of the Grana Padano Dop Consortium, who expressed the satisfaction of the entire supply chain for the choice of Origin Italia.
“The Grana Padano commercial is titled, referring to the product: 'an Italian emotion'", declared Berni . "And with her visit to Syracuse, President Meloni gave one to all the producers of the cheese that is the emblem of Made in Italy food and wine excellence". The G7 Agriculture is now in its third of nine days, as part of an intense program, with guests ranging from the Commissioners for Agriculture, Environment and Fisheries of the European Parliament and the African Union to the heads of the three UN agencies of the Roman hub (FAO, IFAD, WFP), the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) and the Cgiar, a global partnership that unites international organizations engaged in research on food security.
In line with previous ministerial meetings of the G7 Agriculture, the work is developed through four priority thematic areas identified by the Italian Presidency: science and innovation in agriculture for adaptation to climate change; young generations as agents of change in agriculture; the contribution of sustainable fishing and aquaculture to food security; the contribution of the G7 to the development of agriculture on the African continent. From 21 to 29 September, Ortigia will host more than 150 meetings and conferences animated by the participation of over ten ministers and representatives of institutions and the agricultural world. A unique opportunity to reflect, discuss and find the best solutions to protect the Italian food and wine heritage, safeguard the identities and traditions of the territories sculpted by man's work and offer those who work in the agricultural sector the certainty of an adequate income.
There are approximately 200 stands and more than 600 companies representing the national excellences of agriculture, fishing, aquaculture and the nursery/forestry sector, as well as innovative technologies related to fishing and agriculture, in addition to institutional stands and stands of the Police Force.
Africa will be at the center of the first working session on September 26th, which will see the participation in Ortigia of a representation of African Ministers of Agriculture from the various regions of the continent, invited in agreement with the African Union. The process of the Post-Malabo Agenda and the implementation of the Post-2025 Agenda; investments in the agricultural sector in Africa and the strengthening of cooperation between the G7 and Africa in the agricultural sector are the three main themes of the Forum.
Students from agricultural schools, teachers and young farmers representing the G7 countries will be directly involved in a meeting on the same issues that precedes the Ministerial. During the working session on 27 September, students will have the opportunity to present their findings and conclusions of the work directly to the ministers.
EFA News - European Food Agency