G7 Agriculture. Food technologists at a conference in Syracuse
"Nutrition and food education are central aspects of public health and sustainable development policies"

"In the G7 countries, nutrition and food education are central aspects of public health and sustainable development policies". Giorgio Donegani, spokesman of the National Council of Food Technologists (Otan), spoke at the G7 Agriculture, which is taking place in these days in Syracuse, on the occasion of the event "Food, Environment and Healthy Lifestyles Education in the G7 and on the African continent".
"As Otan -continues Donegani- must reiterate how important it is to educate citizens and children, starting from schools, to understand the interconnectedness between nutrition, health and environment. Reducing food waste, promoting short and sustainable supply chains and adopting consumption patterns that respect natural resources are key elements in ensuring a safe and sustainable future for future generations".
Donegani stressed the "urgency of adopting advanced technologies to improve efficiency and safety in food production. In this framework, precision farming, which uses data and sensors to optimise resource use, minimises waste and environmental impacts. Environmentally-friendly agricultural practices can preserve soil fertility and water availability, which are essential elements in ensuring food security for future generations".
During his speech, spokesman Otan highlighted the role of food technologists. "Key professionals to innovate production processes and ensure the quality of food products -stresses Donegani-. Their expertise is essential to develop solutions that improve the safety and effectiveness of supply chains. Therefore, I call on the G7 countries to share knowledge, resources and technology to address common challenges related to food security towards a more sustainable future".
EFA News - European Food Agency