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VITÆVINO: italian campaign for responsible consumption begins

Declaration in support of wine culture also signed by Minister of Agriculture Lollobrigida

The European campaign in support of the VITÆVINO Declaration, promoted at a continental level by the wine sector organizations Comité Européen des Entreprises Vins (Ceev), Confédération Européenne des Vignerons Indépendants (Cevi), Copa-Cogeca and European Federation of Origin Wines (Efow), kicks off today in Italy. This is a European initiative in favor of the recognition of responsible and moderate wine consumption as part of a healthy and balanced lifestyle. The campaign in support of the Declaration is dedicated in particular to the defense of the millenary culture of wine and its role in promoting conviviality and can be subscribed to starting today by connecting to the dedicated website

The Italian campaign was launched this morning in Rome during a press conference organized at the headquarters of the Ministry of Agriculture, Food Sovereignty and Forests by representatives of national associations representing the agricultural and viticultural world.

In addition, national events have been held and are planned to launch the project at a European level in Austria, France, Germany, Portugal, the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Spain. The initiative aims to defend the wine sector in a context where there is growing pressure from neo-prohibitionist movements worldwide. Signed among others by the Minister of Agriculture, Food Sovereignty and Forestry Francesco Lollobrigida , the declaration was conceived to counter the growing stigmatization of wine consumption, often driven by incomplete or distorted scientific data, which fails to distinguish between alcohol abuse and moderate wine consumption. A pressure that has led in some cases to the formulation of unfair and unilateral regulations that threaten the sustainability of the rural communities in which wine producers operate and therefore of the entire wine sector.

Wine is much more than a simple drink: a symbol of Europe's ancient tradition and culture, it plays a profound anthropological and historical role in the formation of societies. Always linked to conviviality, it represents a founding element of cultural heritage and makes a decisive contribution to the European rural economy. The Declaration invites wine enthusiasts, industry professionals and political representatives to support wine as a symbol of conviviality and to recognize its importance at a socio-economic level and for the development of rural areas. The activity of the wine sector is in fact crucial for the conservation of these areas, supporting environmental protection and resilience and the involvement of communities.

VITÆVINO stresses that wine, when consumed in moderation, plays a legitimate role in maintaining a healthy lifestyle and should not be confused with alcohol abuse. This distinction is crucial because misinformation threatens not only the wine sector but also the communities it supports. Signing the initiative gives a voice to those who wish to protect the cultural heritage and economic importance of wine, and ensures that wine continues to be enjoyed in moderation by future generations. Wine lovers and supporters in Europe and around the world can support the Declaration, which is available in multiple languages, by signing it at

Viticulture confirms itself as a sector of strategic importance for the national economy and in particular for the agri-food sector. In terms of exports, Italy recorded a growth of 188% in the period 2003-2023, reaching a global market share equal to 22% last year.

Photo gallery Il ministro dell'Agricoltura, della Sovranità Alimentare e delle Foreste, Francesco Lollobrigida alla firma della Dichiarazione VITÆVINO
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