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Ecomondo, Italy at the heart of green economy

Presented the event organized by IEG from 5 to 8 november at the Rimini Fair

The 27th edition of Ecomondo, an event organized by Italian Exhibition Group and part of the "Season of Fairs" 2024-2025 just presented by Italian exhibition group, was presented at the Chamber of Deputies. The event, which will take place at the Rimini Fair from 5 to 8 november 2024, confirms its strategic hub and international reference point for promoting virtuous models of sustainable development, Putting together the key elements of the EU’s development strategies to tackle climate change and resource crisis.

With a total recycling rate of 72%, well above the European average of 58%, and circular material use of 18.7% compared to 11.5% of the EU average, Italy confirms its leadership in the circular economy and presents itself with these credentials at Ecomondo. A result that "reflects the commitment of Italian companies, which thanks to their innovation and adaptability, continue to be protagonists in the global green economy, contributing to the competitiveness of the country on international markets". In this scenario, Ecomondo confirms itself as a "fundamental platform for these companies", providing a meeting point for the discussion and presentation of cutting-edge technologies, services and industrial solutions in the green and circular economy sectors. 

Internationality and innovation will be at the centre of the event, with delegations from over 100 countries, 73 industry associations and participation in the Africa Green Growth project, in collaboration with the Mattei Plan of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers together with the ministry of Environment and Energy Security (MASE) and the ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation (MAECI), to promote sustainability and socio-economic development in Africa and which has already been joined by 108 delegates from 8 key countries such as Morocco, Tunisia, Egypt, Ethiopia, Kenya, Ivory Coast.

"Ecomondo -explains the minister of the Environment and energy security Gilberto Pichetto Fratin- is the sum of many knowledge, start up, innovation, good practices that serve to the quality leap of the country. We have winning models, such as recycling, with intelligence and skills to achieve the goals of decarbonization. Ecomondo is an unmissable event for those who believe in a just and sustainable transition".

As anticipated at the presentation of the event to stakeholders last august, among the key moments of the event, the States General of the Green Economy, organized by the Foundation for Sustainable Development and promoted by the National Council of green economy, in collaboration with the Ministry of Environment and Energy Security and the European Commission.

"The expansion of the event, with the opening of two new pavilions -emphasizes Corrado Peraboni, ceo of Ieg- underlines the growing importance of this event, which continues to attract excellence from all over the world, Enhancing the Italian industry and export on an international scale".

More than 1,600 exhibitors will present solutions for climate mitigation, waste recovery, soil and ecosystem regeneration, the use of waste as second-hand raw materials, bio technologies, the Blue Economy and sustainable water management. Environmental monitoring systems based on artificial intelligence, big data and satellite observation will also be shown, capable of monitoring the health of the planet in real time and predicting extreme weather events.

The Innovation District will be the heart of innovation, hosting more than 150 start-ups, with an increase of 21% compared to 2023, 20 of which are international. The three most innovative start-ups will receive the Lorenzo Cagnoni Green Innovation Award. Great attention also to the theme of Green Jobs & Skills, with thematic tours for students and professionals in the sector, as well as orientation moments for graduates, offering a platform for meeting job demand and supply in the sectors of the green economy.

"Thanks to the support of Europe, Italy -comments Alessandra Astolfi, director of the Green & Technology division at Ieg- is establishing itself as a leader in the adoption of green technologies and industrial models of circular economy, capable of driving the transition towards a sustainable future. Ecomondo is the meeting point between companies, institutions, public administrations and young talents, offering a long-term vision on global trends in industry of the future. The theme of Green Jobs will be central, with the exploration of best practices, supported by dedicated meetings, organized in collaboration with Unioncamere".

The 2024 edition of Ecomondo will also offer a platform to explore emerging sectors such as sustainable textiles, urban mining and urban regeneration. The Circular Healthy City exhibition area will explore the interaction between urban environment, energy management and social welfare, linking international projects and solutions to create resilient and low-carbon cities.

During the event, the rich conference programme will bring together key players from the political, research and industry worlds, with the coordination of the 80 members of the Scientific Technical Committee (CTS). ' The close interaction between exhibition and conference is the real added value of Ecomondo. "This synergy -says CTS president Fabio Fava- facilitates dialogue between European policies and enterprises, fostering competitiveness and the development of innovative solutions for ecological transition. Our Committee, with the support of international experts and institutions such as the European Commission, continues to promote innovation in the industrial sectors of the green economy, confirming Ecomondo as a reference point for innovation, Information and training of national and international players".

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