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Caviro inaugurates cutting-edge agrivoltaic plant

It combines green energy production and vine protection. 1.5 million invested

In line with its commitment to the circular economy and sustainability, Caviro Group, the most important cooperative winery in Italy, has inaugurated the largest advanced Agrivoltaic system in Italy, built on the vineyard adjacent to Cantine Caviro, Forlì. The system, with a total investment of 1.5 million euros, was completed in one year and is composed of a total of 63 single-axis trackers and 1,386 bifacial solar panels on a surface area of 1.5 hectares. The annual production of 1,300,000 kWh of electricity represents the last step in completing the energy self-sufficiency of the Caviro wine site.

The new agrivoltaic system is of the “advanced” type and performs two specific functions: the production of clean renewable energy and the protection of the vines. The model has in fact been designed to provide the best possible inclination for the photovoltaic panels and ad hoc calibrations, thus protecting the vines from damage caused by hail and wind and from spring frosts, taking advantage of the correct exposure to sunlight and light for sufficient photosynthesis. This is thanks to software that collects and analyses the incoming data and allows the panels to orient themselves to optimise the absorption of solar energy and ensure the right balance between shade and light. The reduction of direct exposure of the rows to sunlight will also allow savings on the water needs of the plants in a percentage that will be monitored and studied by the company in the coming years. The IT management also allows specific parameterisations for light interception, proximal monitoring and satellite index assessments.

"The winemaking sector lends itself as the ideal recipient of the so-called "dual use" of the land, related to agricultural and energy production. Given the markedly heliophilous characteristics of the vine, the challenge that Caviro intends to undertake with this pilot project is to understand whether the undisputed energy value can also be combined with an overall more sustainable vineyard, where quantity and quality are not modified, and photovoltaic coverage can mitigate the damage resulting from the high incidence of extreme weather events", explained Giampaolo Bassetti , general manager of Caviro.

The growth of the vines in the plantation will be compared with that of the plants in the open field, thus allowing researchers to verify the productivity of the plants and the quality of the fruits. The goal is to acquire data and knowledge that can help improve quality, protect the harvest and produce clean energy. Furthermore, to develop increasingly efficient and personalized solutions, adapted to the specific characteristics of the territory.

“The inauguration of this advanced Agrivoltaic system, the largest on a vineyard in Italy at the moment, is for us a significant step in the sustainability path that our Group has already undertaken for years. This project fits perfectly into our vision of a virtuous company, committed to safeguarding the environment and improving production practices. We are happy to launch an innovative experiment, which can be a replicable model for the wineries in our supply chain. The system will allow us to identify the varieties of vines best suited to this type of cultivation, improving the quality and yield of production, as well as increasing overall energy efficiency. An initiative that combines tradition and innovation, contributing in a concrete way to the transition towards a more sustainable future”, concludes Bassetti .

Photo gallery Taglio del nastro agrivoltaico Caviro (Forlì, 17 ottobre 2024) Personalità all'inaugurazione dell'agrivoltaico Caviro (Forlì, 17 ottobre 2024)
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