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AREPO: Alessandro Beduschi is the new president

Lombardy Councillor Elected Head of Association of European Regions for Designated Products

The Councilor for Agriculture, Food Sovereignty and Forestry of the Lombardy Region Alessandro Beduschi is the new president of AREPO (Association of European Regions for Products of Origin). This was established today by the annual plenary assembly of the association, which took place in Larissa (Greece). Andalusia (Spain) was elected for the vice-presidency and Centre-Val de Loire (France) for the treasury.

Founded in 2004, AREPO represents 35 regions of 8 European countries and over 850 consortia and associations of producers, with the aim of promoting and defending quality products and protected origin such as PDO, PGI and traditional specialties guaranteed. For Italy, in addition to Lombardy, Emilia-Romagna, Friuli Venezia-Giulia, Piedmont, Puglia, Tuscany, Valle d'Aosta and Veneto participate. The association collaborates closely with European institutions by promoting policies to support quality products and local agri-food chains.

“The assumption of the presidency of Arep by the Lombardy Region", commented Beduschi , "offers an excellent opportunity to our agri-food sector. In fact, we consider Geographical Indications to be a driver of sustainable and competitive development”.

Lombardy is one of the most active regions in the European context, boasting 20 Protected Designations of Origin (PDO), 14 Protected Geographical Indications (PGI). Five of the ten Italian cheeses with the highest economic value (Grana Padano, Parmigiano Reggiano, Gorgonzola, Provolone Valpadana and Taleggio) are, for example, produced in Lombardy. The region boasts 41 Geographical Indications for the wine sector, whose growth is led by Franciacorta, Lugana, Oltrepò Pavese, Valtellina and Garda.

The economic value generated by Geographical Indications exceeds 2.5 billion euros per year, with 53 thousand companies and over 200 thousand employees. Two provinces in Lombardy, Brescia (878 million euros) and Mantua (586 million euros), are in the Italian 'top ten' in fifth and tenth place overall for the value of the Dop Economy (Ismea-Qualivita 2023 report). Looking at the food sector alone, there are four provinces in Lombardy among the top ten in Italy for value: Mantua, Brescia, Cremona and Sondrio. While, for the wine sector, Brescia is eighth overall in Italy.

One of the central themes of the Arep mandate will be the promotion of sustainable agricultural practices. Beduschi reiterated the importance of an ecological transition in the agricultural sector that puts the environment, economy and society at the center. “Environmental sustainability,” the councilor emphasized, “is a necessity, which however already guides the world of agriculture today. Our companies make innovation and technology a beacon for daily activities, with the aim of making Geographical Indications not only a production model of excellence, but also an example of how agriculture can be a bulwark in the fight against climate change.”

“DOP and IGP,” concluded Councilor Beduschi , “are not just brands, but represent the link between territory, tradition and innovation. I am convinced that, together, we can continue to defend these values, not only for producers but also for consumers who seek authentic and quality products.”

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