EViso first quarter closed with strong growth
July to september revenues +67%: Smartmele platform delivered 159 tons of fresh apples

EViso, a company listed on the Euronext Growth Milan market and owner of an artificial intelligence infrastructure operating in the raw materials sector (electricity, gas, apples), announced the main figures of its quarterly. In the three months of July-September 2024, first quarter of the financial year 2024-2025, revenues reached 86 million Euros, representing an increase of 67% compared to the same quarter of the previous year, the net financial position (cash positive) is certified at 11.5 million Euros "unchanged from 30 June 2024". In the three months indicated, eViso achieved an ebitda of between 5.1 and 5.6 million Euros, compared to 8.3 million euros in the first half of 2023-2024.
The company has increased all the main indicators to double digits: +39% of sampling points reaching 223 thousand, +50% growth in energy supplied at 324 GWh compared to the previous year and +79% of gas supplied reaching 500 thousand smc (standard cubic metre, indicator of the quantity of gas contained in a cubic metre of gas).
As for the Fresh apples segment, in the first three months of 2024-2025,159 tonnes of apples were delivered at an average price of 247 euros per tonne: turnover was set at 58 thousand Euros. "At the level of product liquidity available on the exchange platform Smartmele -underlines the official release- on 30 September 2024 the tons with limit price orders on the platform were about 84,000". EViso also recalls the agreement signed with Seed Group, a company of the Private Office of Sheik Saeed bin Ahmed Al Maktoum, aimed at expanding the Smartmele project on a global scale, starting from the Gulf countries.
Gianfranco Sorasio, managing director of eViso, stressed that "in the quarter just ended the company has recorded revenues close to the threshold of 1 million Euros per day, adding 86 million total, up 67% compared to the same quarter last year. Gross margin was adjusted in a window between 5.1 million and 5.6 million, which, when compared to 8.3 million of the entire first half 2023-2024, shows year on year growth above 30%. These figures demonstrate the ability to attract new customers, also thanks to the expansion of the sales network".
EFA News - European Food Agency