Farming: food and much more. Talk in Brussels
EAAP annual meeting, promoted by ATF, will deal with the role of livestock in ecological balance

The topic of sustainable red meat also arrives in the capital of Europe. "Livestock Are More Than Food" is the title of the conference scheduled in Brussels on November 20, at 09:00, at the University Foundation. The meeting is promoted by the Animal Task Force (ATF), within the annual meeting of the European Federation of Animal Science (EAAP), which annually aims to bring together animal science with the practice of animal production and to connect researchers, policy makers, representatives of the sector and social organizations.
In the context of climate change, measuring the use of animal resources in all its components is a key issue. It includes the use of animal products for human food consumption, but also many other uses: fiber, feed, energy, manure for fertilization, biodiversity and fire management, improved nutrition, home insulation, medical intervention, drug production, as well as vibrant rural culture and communities.
All these uses, in addition to food, contribute to closing the biological cycle and are key points to reduce waste and enhance the contribution of animal production to the circular bioeconomy. Some of them, such as the production of manure, fibers and drugs, are alternatives to the use of fossil resources and contribute significantly to improving the climate balance of animal production. The theme covers all species and involves all actors, including production, industry and the sector of valorization of co-products.
Each of these points will be addressed during tomorrow's seminar. Speakers include: Frank O'Mara , ATF President; Ana Sofia Santos , ATF Secretary General; Carlos Martin Ovilo , Directorate-General for Agriculture and Rural Development of the European Commission.
EFA News - European Food Agency