Eurostat: Agricultural census from geospatial data
Experimentation will allow to measure the size of farms, livestock and workforce

Eurostat has launched a new webpage on the geospatial data of the agricultural census as part of its experimental statistics collection. Users will be able to find maps with information on the number of farms, livestock density, ageing of farmers or gender gap in agriculture, among others. All data refer to the year 2020.
The data released under the new experimental statistics combine geographic information with official agricultural statistics, allowing users to better understand the agricultural data collected through the 2020 agricultural census.
These are experimental data, as they represent the first attempt to release geospatial data from the agricultural census on a European scale. This innovative approach produces grids to visualise agricultural data, including farm size, livestock or workforce at a very detailed spatial level. The smallest grid cell is 1 square kilometre and the methodology, developed specifically for processing agricultural census data, ensures that no confidential information from individual farms is disclosed.
Users can explore the data (zooming in and out, selecting different layers or downloading data files) using the interactive statistical map designed by the Commission's Geographic Information System.
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