Italpizza opens new factory in France
With the reopening of the former Nestlé plant, the Modena-based company aims to reach markets in northern Europe

With the inauguration ceremony of the new French production site in Caudry (Hauts-de-France), held in the presence of the French Minister for Industry and Energy, Marc Ferracci, Italpizza, a company from Modena, is inaugurating a new phase of its industrial and strategic development. Thanks to the investment in the former Nestlé plant, acquired at the beginning of 2024, the Italian company leader in the production of frozen pizzas will have the opportunity to increase its production capacity by about 100 million pizzas a year, for a total of over 460 million pizzas produced each year. Located in a strategic position, the plant will also be functional to better expand into markets in the Northern Europe area.
"For the company from Modena -explains a note- the acquisition of the new plant has represented an unprecedented strategic operation at international level: in addition to the costs for the purchase of the production site, the company has already started a major investment for modernization works amounting to 12 million Euros, distributed over a multi-annual plan for the four-year period 2024-2028".
According to the company, attention has been paid to safeguarding the jobs of the site: in addition to the inclusion of more than 70 employees from February 2024 to date, it plans a potential integration of about 150 employees by 2028.
"France -underlines the founder and current president Cristian Pederzini- is one of the first markets in which I believed and within which Italpizza has been inserted, now more than 30 years ago. Here we have built over time solid and reliable business relationships, which led us to achieve a capillary distribution, entering the main signs of large-scale distribution. We are ready to build a profitable future: the challenge that we have launched with the inauguration of the French plant is an important first step towards achieving an ambitious result, becoming market leader at European level. Ensuring our customers and consumers with the highest quality is the goal that drives us every day, and will continue to drive us in future challenges".
EFA News - European Food Agency